A poet's work can be literal, meaning that his work is derived from a specific event, or metaphorical, meaning that his work can take on many meanings and forms. Poets have existed since antiquity, in nearly all languages, and have produced works that vary greatly in different cultures and time periods. Throughout each civilization and language, poets have used various styles that have changed ...
Authors & Writers Definition (Oxford Paperback Dictionary Thesaurus 2001) A writer is a person who has written a particular text, or who writes books or articles as an occupation - the thesaurus lists author, bard, composer, dramatist, journalist, littérateur, novelist, playwright, poet, wordsmith. Please link the profiles of writers to this project and consider whether they could also...
ABOUT PROJECT Nazi Germany is the name of Germany as it was under Hitler's rule. This project is basically a pool of all the known people who were members of the Third Reich associated by marriage or work (not necessarily politicians or military, but also people who may have been employed as secretaries or servants). This is not a memorial project to glamorize a horrific era, but a project abou...
Journalists, Columnists and Reporters A journalist collects, writes, and distributes news and other information. A journalist's work is referred to as journalism . A reporter is a type of journalist who researches, writes, and reports information to present in sources, conduct interviews, engage in research, and make reports. The term journalist may include various types of editors, editor...
Siia projekti soovime Genist kokku koguda tuntud Eesti kirjanikke, tõlkijaid ja luuletajaid (sealhulgas ka laulusõnade autoreid) läbi kõigi ajajärkude. Abivahendid isikute (avalikud, Genis) otsimisel:*
the Pulitzer Prize: honoring Excellence in journalism and the arts since 1917 ====Pulitzer Prize Boards===*2011-2012 see website*2010-2011 see website*2009-2010 see website== Winners and Finalists 2011 ==*Journalism*Letters, Drama and Music* no special citations == Past Winners & Finalists ====Journalism==*Beat Reporting 1991-2006*Breaking News Photography 2000-present*Breaking News Reporting 1...
Lyricists ... embracing Hymnologists, Librettists, Songwriters and Singer Songwriters Lyricists and songwriters write the words to an original piece of music and collaborate with composers and music artists to produce the final songs.A Hymnologist" is the writer or composer of hymn lyricsA lyricist is a musician who specialises in writing lyrics. A lyricist who also composes the music for the s...
Playwrights A playwright , also known as a dramatist , is a person who writes dramatic literature or drama. These works may be written specifically to be performed by actors, or they may be closet dramas - simple literary works - written using dramatic forms, but not meant for performance.The earliest playwrights in Western literature with surviving works are the Ancient Greeks. These early pla...
Novelists This is a universal project for profiles of Novelists on GENiA novelist is a person who writes novelsA novel is a book length narrative, normally in prose, which describes fictional characters and events, usually in the form of a sequential story.Fictionality is most commonly cited as distinguishing novels from historiography.===References and Sources* List of Novelists from England *...
Project Notable Lithuanian Writers is created to honour notable Lithuanian writers.Please add profiles to the project, if they were:* writers* poets* biographers* playwriters* critics* journalists* translatersand other similar artists.Only public profiles or MPs may be part of this project.Please add biography or link to biography, links to work of an artist to the profile.Sources of biographie...
County Dublin - Famous people=Dublin, as the capital city of Ireland and the largest city in Ireland, has produced many noted artists, entertainers, politicians and businesspeople. In the project photograph ' John Field, composer Please add GENi profiles of people from County Dublin (not just Dublin City ) to this project. Additionally, please add information about people of renown connected to...
Please add your memory making ancestors to this project. Writing a life story is "the invention of me" - and an unreliable source for genealogists.>"A memoir," says Gore Vidal, "is how one remembers one's own life, while an autobiography is history, requiring research, dates, facts double-checked. In a memoir it isn't the end of the world if your memory tricks you and your dates are off by a we...
British Writers: T - ZThis project is a place to gather together profiles of British born writers of all genres. Those with bold links have profiles on Geni. Links that are not bold are to other sources.Names are arranged alphabetically and spread across 6 projects to handle the numbers. (The arrowed buttons below are linked to the other pages).
Czech Writers From wikipedia: Czech Writers, En , Cz , De , Fr , Hu , Sl , alphabet list See also : Czech literatura.cz , Czech Literature , Czech spisovatelů < BACK to Czech portal
Autobiographers An autobiographer is someone who writes their own biography or story of their own life. An autobiography is a literary work about the writer's own life.An autobiography is usually based entirely on the writer's memory, perhaps supported by kept diaries. Memoirs are closely associated with an autobiography, it sometimes being difficult to precisely distinguish between them. Autob...
British Writers: A - CThis project is a place to gather together profiles of British born writers of all genres. Those with bold links have profiles on Geni. Links that are not bold are to other sources.Names are arranged alphabetically and spread across 6 projects to handle the numbers. (The arrowed buttons below are linked to the other pages).
The occult (from the Latin word occultus "clandestine, hidden, secret") is "knowledge of the hidden". In common English usage, occult refers to "knowledge of the paranormal", as opposed to "knowledge of the measurable", usually referred to as science. The term is sometimes taken to mean knowledge that "is meant only for certain people" or that "must be kept hidden", but for most practicing occu...
“The important task of literature is to free man, not to censor him.” — Anaïs Nin Throughout world history, the majority of public, educational, and religious institutions have censored certain books for political, religious, or cultural reasons. This project serves as a place to gather together the writers -- cherished, reviled, or anywhere in-between -- who have had their work hidden ...
Academia Brasileira de Letras (ABL) Brazilian Academy of Letters) is a Brazilian literary non-profit society established at the end of the 19th century by a group of 40 writers and poets inspired by the Académie Française. The first president, Machado de Assis, declared its foundation on December 15, 1896, with the by-laws being passed on January 28, 1897. On July 20 of the same year, the Acade...
Writers, poets, storytellers, Latin American novelists Proyecto ,creado por Jaime Ross(c), 13/05/2012 ARGENTINA Adolfo Dickman (1882-1938) Adolfo Bioy Casares, Premio Cervantes de Literatura 1990 (1914-1999) Adolfo de Obieta (1912-2002) Adolfo Saldías (1849-1914) Agustina Andrade (1858-1891) Alejandra Pizarnik (1936-1972)
Please add profiles of writers who have been labeled as “post modern” stylists. In the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century, modernist literature was the central literary movement. However, after World War II, a new school of literary theory, deemed postmodernism, began to rise. What Is Postmodern Literature? Postmodern literature is a literary movement that eschews absolute ...
Please add profiles to this project if they are on this list (they need to be public, not private) Ako je netko od ovih ličnosti u vašem obiteljskom stablu, dodajte ih u ovaj projekat (trebali bi biti javni, ne privatni) A Bartol Alvernski Ivan Ambrozović Ivan Nepomuk Ambrozović Stanko Andrić Ignacije Aquilini B Toma Babić Hugo Badalić Xenia Bakran-Sunić ...
This project is on History Link Nobel Prize in Literature On 27 November 1895, Alfred Nobel signed his last will and testament, giving the largest share of his fortune to a series of prizes, the Nobel Prizes. As described in Nobel's will one part was dedicated to 'the person who shall have produced in the field of literature the most outstanding work in an ideal direction'. Introduction ...
British Writers: D - G This project is a place to gather together profiles of British born writers of all genres. Those with bold links have profiles on Geni. Links that are not bold are to other sources. Names are arranged alphabetically and spread across 6 projects to handle the numbers. (The arrowed buttons below are linked to the other pages).
Projeto que reúne os ganhadores do Prêmio Jabuti de Literatura , o mais importante prêmio literário do Brasil. Lançado em 1959, foi idealizado por Edgard Cavalheiro quando presidia a Câmara Brasileira do Livro. Prêmio Jabuti de Literatura Categoria Romance 1959: Jorge Amado (1912-2001) 1960: Marques Rebelo (1907-1973) (*) 1961: Maria de Lourdes Teixeira (1907-1989) (*) 1962: Osório Al...