Genealogy Projects tagged with евреи on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Prominent Lithuanian Jews (Litvaks)

    This project aims to identify notable Jews, whose family roots, education, professional achievements are associated with Lithuania . If in your family tree you have an individual that was a Lithuanian Jew known for her/his life achievements, please add them to this project. It would be great if within profile description there would be brief biography.* Within opened profile page use the 'Actio...

  • Jewish Families from Tiraspol, Moldova, Transnistria

    The city's name comes from the Greek name of the river Dniester Τυρας and ancient Greek. πολις - «city». The Treaty of Iassy [Jassy] was signed by both Russia and Ottoman Empire on December 27, 1791 after the end of Russo-Turkish War of 1787-1792. As a result of this agreement, Russia acquired the Ochakov region between the west bank of the river South Bug and the river Dniester. Dniester Rive...

  • Holocaust in Oboltsy

    A project trying to restore the names of the holocaust victims of the village Oboltsy, Orsha district, Vitebsk region, Belarus.== History ==The town of Oboltsy, Tolochinsky district, has been known since the end of the 14th century. A brief history of the ancient Obolets can be found on Wikipedia. The landowner was the landowner Zaretsky. His estate consisted of two houses. Some rooms were loca...

  • Jewish families from Terlitsa, Ukraine

    Terlitsa, Ukraine = 48°56' N, 29°42' ETerlitsya (Терлица Terlitsa [Rus], Терлиця Terlytsia [Ukr], Terlitza [Yid], Terlica [Pol], Terlycja) is a village located in the Monastyrysche area of Ukraine, Cherkassy region.In 1897, there were 1,191 Jews reportedly living in Terlitsya. At that time, the village was part of the Lipovets District in the Kiev Province of the Russian Empire.Terlitsya later ...