
October 8, 2008

I’ve been researching my family history for years. It’s been a great hobby for me and my family is intrigued but it’s been difficult presenting the actual information in an engaging way. Geni has been a huge help in getting the family involved and also given me a reason to reach out to distant family… Read more

October 8, 2008

Hi.. I am so happy when introduced Geni to me. I have been looking for this, as to enhance relationship among family members. For me, its going to be a family encyclopedia to us.

October 8, 2008

Our family is really loving Geni. My 80 year old uncles are as active as anyone and it is a thrill to see their input on family history. Family letters are a thing of the past in our family but we have boxes that are true treasures. Thank you, thank you for Geni.

October 8, 2008

This is about the best family tree sharing site I’ve found.

October 8, 2008

I LOVE your website. I had such a huge family I never knew about.

October 6, 2008

Kudos! Geni is a fascinating relationship tool that draws the user for endless discovery. Never have I so far come across a website that draws you to spend productive hours with such dedication. One of the best websites of the century!! Please keep up the good work. Congratulations!!

October 3, 2008

Thanks a lot to the team at Geni for a truly wonderful idea and tool. And a big thank you for the tree merging feature. I have at last merged my tree with that of my cousins.

October 1, 2008

I Love your site, it allows me and my family to add to the tree from all over the world, thanks for a great site.

October 1, 2008

I really like your site, I think it is very well done.  And it’s a fun way to share info with my family.

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