Compliments on Geni, this is a very good tool and my tree has exploded with relations. It is fantastic to see the trees develop.
We love Geni and it certainly has brought my family together in ways I never thought possible. We have discovered family members that we didn’t know existed and have had fun getting to know them after all these years. It’s quite incredible!
I'm really enjoying using Geni. It's amazing how much my tree has grown and all of the relatives that we've gotten in touch with. Thanks.
I absolutely love Geni. It is easy to move around the site and so much information is accessible to you when searching for a cousin, aunt, 2nd cousin, etc. Accolades to you. Most fascinating what one learns about their ancestors while perusing your finely tuned genealogy program.
I love your web site though – I have been using it for approximately two years and just wish I had more time to devote to it!
I'd like to congratulate you for a great site. It's very user friendly and get people involved and I have met so many people in my family I just can't thank you enough.
First off I want to thank the Geni Team for all the help and advice. With out people like you and your program, we would loss contact with a lot family. Thanks.
I love using Geni.You guys do great work.
I just want to say that I LOVE this site! I have become fairly obsessive compulsive about adding all my family members.
Thanks for providing this great site, for all the efforts in releasing new functionalities and for your support!
Thank you again for all you do. This site has been such a blessing. My family is sharing and staying connected through Geni. We have people that are not computer literate but have been learning and taking baby steps just for the purpose of using Geni to keep up on the latest family news while sharing about our past generations.
Thank you so very much! Our (huge!) entire family LOVES using Geni! Have a good day!
Just want to let you know that you guys helped my dreams come true. I've never known any of my relatives and had no sense of history my whole life. Thank you for making this possible for thanks to you I found my cousins in Israel and I am so happy! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
By the way — I'd also like to compliment you on your interface and the feel of the site. Reminds me of the (now) Google Voice application which began life as Grand Central. Also has overtones of Facebook. It is very smooth and easy to understand and you've done a fantastic job (speaking as someone who's done a tiny bit of wrestling with GEDCOM-creation apps) with the tree navigation. Very clean.
It has been great keeping family members up-to-date on family news with pictures and videos. The credit goes to GENI Team for this. Keep the good work up.
I love Geni! I have been using Geni for about three weeks now, and thought you might like to know how I found it, and what my experience with it has been. I'm a teacher and a grad student (and I)… began to throw a few hours at it. I am amazed to have found that I could put about 300 relatives into my tree, and clearly organize all of their relationships, and all sorts of information about them. I am highly impressed by Geni's capacity to generate statistics, timelines, and a number of other tools I find useful. I admire the way Geni takes its accumulated data and can instantly make a tree that puts whoever the user chooses into its central position, immediately answering the important question, "What is the relationship between this person and everyone else in this tree?" I also like the means of inputting narratives along with demographics, photos and even video. I am in the process of taking my family's old home movies and digitizing them. My grandfather started making home movies in 1919, which is extraordinarily early, but it will mean a lot to my relatives to gain access to them online, and in relation to specific relatives. At some point I will note which portions of the footage relate to which people, and put links to those portions within peoples' profiles. That will be really astonishing.
Thank you for this very satisfying means to connecting so many people to each other and to their heritage!
Hello Team Geni. Indeed, a great piece of work. Initially, I was thinking, "its just one more social networking sites, forget it !". But as I started filling in information, the tree grew leaps and bounds, actually no boundaries at all ! I am discovering so many relatives that I never met before despite of 22 years of marriage to my wife. I am rediscovering my relations, seeing some great photos, meeting them virtually etc. and its a great experience.
Thank you for making this web site it is fun !!!!!!
LOVE the program. I’ve finally gotten people and relationships figured out thanks to my one aunt, to some documentation, and especially to your program – it’s so clear and easy to understand.
I also want to take the time to thank you and give point out how much you have done to make it easier for me to use this tree. In other sites (Genealogy.com) you can’t put names that have accent marks in them, which of course angers me since my middle name has an accent (JosĂ©) and a lot of people in my family do as well because of our language. Also good job on the space provided for the last name since in our culture we have two legal last names used in everyday and legal use, which allows the family to be properly named. And finally thank you sooo much for allowing us to choose Husband if we are men or Wife if they are a woman, I am gay and so are 4 other members of my family for whom the significant other is or will be of the same sex, in other sites I would have been forced to name my significant other as wife. Thank you again for providing such a wonderful service.
This site is easy to use, unites families young and old and a fun project that everyone will love. Absolutely fantastic.
Just wanted to say a big thanks to Geni for such a wonderful program. Geni is awesome 🙂
Just a second to say how much I and tens of others of my Tree members greatly enjoy the Geni.com tree.
Good Job !! Thanks a lot and congratulation for your service, it is fantastic !
Thank you, we have really enjoyed working on the site and love that other family can join and add their info.
I am the oldest of 9 (and) 54 years old now . I can't believe your program! How wonderful you are to make this available to ours and many other families! A remarkable program!
I would like to thank you all for such a wonderful service. Our family was geographically distributed across the globe and geni.com is a definite way for my family to be in touch.
My family and I are having a ball filling in our history. It has grown by leaps and bounds. Your website is marvelous.
Dear Geni Support team, thank you for this amazing site, our family just loves it.
Hi Geni Team. I created my family tree almost a year back. Now our family has grown to 950 with more than 25 active members. Really, it was our dream to be become part of a huge tree like this. Thanks to Geni for making it happen.
I have been a user of Geni for a while and it has been an awesome experience so far. Thanks a lot for your amazing web app. It has been very useful.
Hey guys, Your site is really awesome, it helped me connect (with) families haven't seen for years!
It is certainly a blessing to have one central place to document our family and share that documentation with all. Thank you so much for that.
I love your site. I just started using it and my Family is truly excited about its ease of use and valuable information that can be stored. Thanks and awesome site!
I am totally addicted to Geni ever since I built up my tree in Aug, 2008 ! I feel quite uneasy if I dont log on to the site ATLEAST ONCE A DAY! All my family members are quite happy that I made possible for them to know the dates of the birth & wedding anniversries of the members living in far off places & feel quite happy in exchanging greetings & important informations, with them.For such of those Senior members, who are not on line( they dont have e mail IDS) , I convey them the greetings from the on- line members recorded in my home page. on phone. They are immensely pleased. Thus the members living in different locations in the World have been brought very close. ALL THE CREDIT GOES TO GENI!!! Geni Help Team is quite prompt in clearing many of my problems . KUDOS & ALL THE BEST TO GENI.
Guys-I just wanted to let you know that I and my family think your site is fantastic. As a result we are slowing building information on our family from different parts of the world. Couldn't have done it without you.Keep up the great work, I have told at least 10 people how good it is.
First of all, big props on what you've done, it's amazing! I built a family tree in Flash for my family because they are quite large, but this is so much better. Again, thank you for such a great product!
Hi. Thanks for a great site which is evolving all the time…looking forward to your plans for the future.
Thanks to GENI we make The first family reunion Malpica-Cházaro in the city of Veracruz, Ver. Mexico, with an attendance of over 100 families across the country. I love GENI!
Your site has brought our large family together in a fun, informative and exciting way. Have you or are you considering installing a chat module? This would allow instant messaging when members are online at the same time. I think this would enhance Geni in a very positive way.
First let me compliment you on this wonderful service you are doing………I love it and it is connecting many of my family members who have lost contact throught the years. This is really nice !!!
This site is awesome. Thanks for creating a medium that has allowed me to not only bring my family together but stay in touch in such a simple manner. I forgot how much I miss my cousins, nieces, and nephews. Now I can keep track of the ever-expanding family. What a wonderful way to let the little ones know where they came from, and keep us old ones in touch with blooming new generations. Your service is much appreciated!
Hello and a big thank you to all at Geni for creating this wonderful tool. I have been researching for about 10 years now and wondered what I would do with all of my information and how to share with my family, inlaws, etc. and along came an invite from a cousin to Geni .. I am blown away with the ability of the Geni Tree and say again THANK YOU ALL .
This is a really excellent web site. We are finding people we did not even know about and just having fun learning about our family.
It has been very exciting to discover Geni, where our large and diverse family can connect. It is amazing to me how at least one new person seems to be added every day.
You have been a great help to me and my family members, to help and maintain this family tree. It has brought lots of our family together, for which we thank you whole heartily.
Thanks so much for your kind efforts to helping me.I am so amazed of your building up such a magnificent genealogy web-side.
We compliment you on setting up this wonderful website geni.com which has been helping thousands of families to trace their roots and keep in touch with relatives.
Someone emailed this to be as a great example of social networking. I use LinkedIn a lot professionally, and I am also on Classmates, FaceBook, etc. but I am going to make Geni my default personal social network and just keep up with this one, as I love the family connections, and it is the first social network I have been able to get my parents to join! My mom even added our deceased relatives. I love knowing the connections and being able to keep more aware of family and extended family related news. THANK YOU!
Geni.com is one of the most elegantly designed sites on the web. As a tool for building your family tree, it is pure in its purpose, yet manages to be exhaustively comprehensive. In terms of being viral, it’s
nothing short of genius. I started my family tree with my immediate family, and magically, within the last week, its grown to more than 200, with 10 relatives contributing, 4 of whom I have never met. If the growth of Geni is as rapid as my family tree, then Geni’s motto, “Everyone’s Related” may prove to be ironically true.