Dr. Alfred Nathansky - Death

Started by Helga Zauner on Tuesday, January 28, 2014
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1/28/2014 at 8:30 AM

According to oral history in mother's family, Dr. Alfred Nathansky and his family died by being burnt in a train wagon by the Nazis. This would explain why death happened only a few days after being deported.

6/26/2016 at 1:02 PM

Dr. Alfred Nathansky was my Uncle Gerhart's father. I have his wedding invitation of 1925 to my Aunt Frances Fuchs in Vienna. I heard the story that Dr. Alfred Nathansky and his wife died while in transport to a concentration camp and were thrown out of the freight car, but did not know the circumstances. My Uncle's only child, Ilse is still living in Florida. Nathansky is not my blood relative, but I am trying to put together the pieces in my family's history. I'd appreciate hearing from you. Thank you.

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