Levie / Lion Salomon / Kalman Cachet - Name : meaning of Cachet

Started by Caroline Graham on Wednesday, February 24, 2021
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2/24/2021 at 1:41 PM

Hi there,

I have been looking at your tree here on Geni and I was interested to see that you say that the name Cachet comes from being a cashier.

From my digging into records many years ago I have this information, and it seems to me that the name comes from "cutter/engraver' not cashier.

At an event in 1809 the name is :
Calman Lion = Kalman ben Leib P"Ch *,
P" Ch means 'Pach-Chotemstecher means ….also signetsnijder, cachetsnijder

Cachet • Cutter (according to "Glas" is that someone who engraves seal stamps, there is little effort to it, to print fabrics,
hollow carved stone or cachet to attract ... "*

Event: event 1809 Amsterdam on the list under nr. 10.13: Calman Lion = Kalman ben Leib P"Ch, 40 yrs.old, married, 'cachet' cutter, with 2 sons of 9 & 6 yrs, and 3 daughters of 15, 13 & 11 yrs.

(Leib P"Ch being his father .... Kalman son of Leib P"Ch)

These below are the name I have written down for Calman.....

Kalman (Karel, Carel) Lion (ben Leib ) Cachet Pach
Various Names shown as: …………
Kalman Lion Leib Cachet Pach son of Levie Kalman name at event in 1811
Calman Lion = Kalman ben Leib P"Ch name at event (unknown) in 1809
Kalman Levie CACHET name at father's death

Calman LION name at event in 1809
Kalman ben LEIB name at event in 1809
Calmer Lion CACHET name at son's wedding
Calmon LION CACHET name on son's death record

I also have this notes:

Event: was naturalized 13 Dec 1811 Amsterdam assumption of name Cachet; then living at Jode Stroomarkt 11.

As I understand it, Napoleon finally insisted upon the Jews taking fixed surnames in 1808 in Germany/Netherlands etc, so it is interesting to see the name above in 1809.

It's all very complicated and very interesting!

Kind regards

2/24/2021 at 1:55 PM

Hi again,

Just an added note, when looking at the my notes I also see this for Salomon (Shlomo) (Zalman) ben KALMAN CACHET PACH

In 1803 his birth record states .........

son of Kalman Lion Leib Cachet Pach and Anna Hindele Salomon Zalman Knor

Zalman ben Kalman Pitoeche Chotam, childs mother Hindele bat Zalman (Anna SALOMAN)

on 7 Adar 5563 - circumcision of Shlomo Zalman ben Kalman P"Ch in Adath Yeshurun

My notes indicate that Chotam in Hebrew mean Seal in English and so it is describing Salomon's father Calman's occupation as being a seal cutter/engraver.

Kind regards

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