Gov. John Endicott - Incorrect connections and information

Started by Michelle Hartley on today
Today at 7:00 PM

There are some issues with this profile that need correcting.

There's no clear proof that Gov Endecott is from Chagford nor Dorchester. They are only theories.

It's been proven that Ann Gower did not marry Gov. Endecott. NEGHS has published this recently.

Ann Gower married Gov. Endecott's grandson named John Endecott who died in London. The marriage certificate proves this.

Ann Gower didn't die in the winter of 1629.

It's possible he married Jane Francis but it's not really clear if the record pertains to Gov. John or not.

John's sister is not Margaret Ludlow.

Mary (Cogan) Ludlow was the sister of Gov. John Endecott's second wife Elizabeth (Cogan) Endecott.

Gov. John did not have a son named Samuel.

I started the Endecott YDNA project in conjunction with the John Endecott Family Association (I'm a trustee) to help determine his origins.

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