Jeff Greer - I required an impartial curator please

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вчера в 7:31 после полудня

Managers of John Doig,

I am contacting you about this profile: John Doig

This message is in regards to 2 corrupted profiles of my ancestors. My tree has been disconnected from its legitimate line, which I entered mostly on July 2th, 2008. This history, in reverse, covers from 2005 - the death of my grandmother - all the way back to 1365, the birth of Walter - the first known/recorded Doig. This is supposed to reflect 640 years of un-broken blood lines from the birth of Walter to the death of Barbara . But, as I said there are 2 profiles which have been corrupted. The father of the 2 profiles used to be properly connected but was disconnected from his correct parents in around 2019.

This tree was correct from 2008 as I entered it until 2019 when other people got their say in re-writing history. That was a good 11 year run for fact based on the source documents described below.

It is the only responsible thing to do....fix the corrupted profiles based on the information found in this well documented family line. Many of the listed profiles have been adopted as Master Profiles based on my work. All of the listed profiles below were authored by me, most of them on July 2nd, 2008.

Between June 23 and June 29 of 2008 I entered the following Doigs. The first of which is my father's mother; my grandmother.

All of these Doings show up in the genealogical archives. Some people are parallelled in 2 separate files. It is known that partial records for some branches of the family are listed in the primary document and then again in a branch file.
I have listed the person number in all cases and have listed 2 numbers for those people that show up in both files.

Barbara Greer person 214 in source document
Andrew Haldane Doig, Sr. person 123 in source document
Rev. James Rolla Doig person 50 in source document and person 1241 in source document

On July 2, 2008 I entered the following direct line profiles (all of them)

Robert Doig person 14 in source document and person 676 in source document
Thomas Doig person 3 in source document and person 440 in source document
Paul Doig person 1 in source document and person 272 in source document
Paul Doig person 171 in source document 

********Beginning of problems which were made by other editors changing fact based on the source document document

This profile was gutted and breaks my family tree. It is supposed to represent person 116 in the document listed above. The profile shows that I created it on July 2, 2008. I have not worked on any other Doig line other than my own.
John Doig person 116 in source document

This profile was gutted and breaks my family tree. It is supposed to represent person 79 in the document listed above. The profile shows that I created it on July 2, 2008. Please remember that I have not worked on any other Doig line.
John Doig?through=6000000041341951466 person 79 in source document

After 2 generations of profiles being gutted the tree continues.The profile creation dates all show as July 2, 2008  and all authored by ME!

James Doig, of Dunrobin person 50 in source document
Paul Doig, of Dunrobin person 32 in source
Capt. James Doig, of Dunrobin person 21 in source document
James Doig of Dunrobin, Keeper of the Queen's Wardrobe person 14 in source document
James Edward Doig, Chamberlain of Menteith person 9 in source document
Walter Doig, Chamberlain of Menteith person 5 in source document
John Doig person 2 in source document
Walter Doig person 1 in source document

Please fix the broken profiles which I originally authored on July 2, 2008 which completes my family history from Barbara Greer person 214 in source document through to Walter Doig person 1 in source document

Here they are again.
John Doig person 116 in source document Doig?through=6000000041341951466 person 79 in source document

The revision control system is very helpful to know when these profiles became corrupted.

The "Added by" line for every one of these profiles says "Jeff Greer" aka "Brian Jeffrey Greer Jr." with the date of July 2, 2008. Every single one of them...

I have proven, beyond any possible doubt, the accuracy of the originally entered profiles which at one point was unbroken.I have supplied a full range of connected profiles along with 2 separate source documents which I have listed above.

I would be happy to update the corrupt profile data but I was locked out when my original message was received by the curator who also told me that I was wrong and could not read the genealogy files correctly. I have sent some updates to her since here reply but have not had new replies thus far.

Here is one of the discussion threads
John Doig?through=6000000066933749948#/tab/discussion

And another oneJohn Doig?through=6000000041341951466#/tab/discussion

Again, please fix this or allow me to fix things to correctly reflect the source documents as listed above.

Thank you.
Jeff Greer
aka Brian Jeffrey Greer Jr

вчера в 9:57 после полудня

There was also an improper merger for one of my "John"'s wives.
Person #116. John Doig from Source:

Margaret Doig (Murdoch) was merged into Margaret Doig (Craigie) by Debbie McCauley.
Feb 21, 2019 at 7:08 PM · view

This is the resulting profile which is NOT my grandmother.
Margaret Doig

The problem is that There are 2 SEPARATE sets of John+Margaret in 2 different branches of the family at "circa" the same time.

Please un-merge Margaret Doig (Murdoch) from Margaret Doig (Craigie) which was done by Debbie McCauley.

Please fix my tree.

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