Why Australia

Started by Stephen Alan Hulance on Thursday, August 5, 2010
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8/5/2010 at 3:10 AM

Very interesting, any ideas why he went to australia ? must have been about the time of the first british colonisation , so perhaps an explorer, or maybe a convict ? since he is a Hulance i would assume the later :-)

8/5/2010 at 3:40 AM

Lol, the family story seems to be that he might have moved to Australia to avoid being sent. something to do with cattle I believe and a similar offence occurred in Australia.

The information I have is that he came out on the Theodore in 1852 and landed at Portland. Victoria, Australia in 1852. From memory he came out with an Elizabeth, which I initially had down as a sister or cousin, but his first wife was Elizabeth Werret but she died in 1856, by which time he had married, in Australia an Elizabeth Currie.

Unfortunately, I've been more involved in my fathers side for the last few years and need to refocus here and enter the other data I have buried away.

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