This project is focused on Presidents and Vice Presidents of the United States of America and their families. The family trees of the more recent presidents can be a challenge to merge due to the number of living/private profiles.

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Presidents of the United States of America

  1. George Washington
  2. John Adams
  3. Thomas Jefferson
  4. James Madison
  5. James Monroe
  6. John Quincy Adams, son of the 2nd
  7. Andrew Jackson
  8. Martin Van Buren
  9. William Henry Harrison
  10. John Tyler
    • No vice president
  11. James K. Polk
  12. Zachary S. Taylor
  13. Millard Filmore
    • No vice president
  14. Franklin Pierce
  15. James Buchanan
  16. Abraham Lincoln
  17. Andrew Johnson
    • No vice president
  18. Ulysses S. Grant
  19. Rutherford B. Hayes
  20. James A. Garfield
  21. Chester A. Arthur
    • No vice president
  22. Grover Cleveland, served again as the 24th
  23. Benjamin Harrison, grandson of the 9th
  24. Grover Cleveland, also served as the 22nd
  25. William McKinley
  26. Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt
  27. William H. Taft
  28. T. Woodrow Wilson
  29. Warren G. Harding
  30. Calvin Coolidge
  31. Herbert C. Hoover
  32. Franklin D. Roosevelt, fifth cousin of the 26th
  33. Harry S. Truman
  34. Dwight D. Eisenhower
  35. John F. Kennedy
  36. Lyndon B. Johnson
  37. Richard M. Nixon
  38. Gerald R. Ford
  39. James E. Carter
  40. Ronald W. Reagan
  41. George H.W. Bush
  42. William J. Clinton
  43. George W. Bush, son of the 41st
  44. Barack H. Obama
  45. Donald J. Trump
  46. Joseph R Biden

Vice Presidents of the United States of America

  1. John Adams 2nd President
  2. Thomas Jefferson 3rd President
  3. Aaron Burr, Jr.
  4. George Clinton
  5. Elbridge Thomas Gerry
  6. Daniel D. Tompkins
  7. John C. Calhoun
  8. Martin Van Buren 8th President
  9. Richard M. Johnson
  10. John Tyler 10th President
  11. George Mifflin Dallas
  12. Millard Filmore 13th President
  13. William R.D. King
  14. John Cabell Breckinridge
  15. Hannibal Hamlin
  16. Andrew Johnson 17th President
  17. Schuyler Colfax
  18. Henry Wilson
  19. William Almon Wheeler
  20. Chester A. Arthur 21st President
  21. Thomas A. Hendricks
  22. Levi Morton
  23. Adlai E. Stevenson
  24. Garret A. Hobart
  25. Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt 26th President
  26. Charles W. Fairbanks
  27. James S. Sherman
  28. Thomas R. Marshall
  29. Calvin Coolidge 30th President
  30. Charles G. Dawes
  31. Charles Curtis
  32. John N. Garner
  33. Henry A. Wallace
  34. Harry S. Truman 33rd President
  35. Alben Barkley
  36. Richard M. Nixon 37th President
  37. Lyndon B. Johnson 36th President
  38. Hubert H. Humphrey
  39. Spiro T. Agnew
  40. Gerald R. Ford 38th President
  41. Nelson A. Rockefeller
  42. Walter F. Mondale
  43. George H.W. Bush 41st President
  44. James D. Quayle
  45. Albert A. Gore Jr.
  46. Richard B. Cheney
  47. Joseph R. Biden Jr. 46th President
  48. Michael R. Pence
  49. Kamala D. Harris