
I take this opportunity to let you know that I enjoy your site very much and that it has brought many relatives closer to each other. The historic search is fascinating and it has given me a lot of new insights in my family.


Congratulation to the Geni Team and i wish to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation, your support has been very helpful.


Thanks for the great work done! The tree I started a little while ago is starting to be really appreciated by whole my family !!


Wow! I love this site. Thank you for creating such a wonderful place! Well done!


I just wanted to thank you guys for coming up with such a great product!


I am grateful to Geni. I am addicted. This is an awesome way to keep track of my family. I have been searching for my family and thanks to Geni I am able to contact my family from all over. I LOVE THIS SITE…. I recommend this to everyone. I am a big advocate for this site.  love it. Thank you to the creators and all the staff.


I really enjoy this site and how I can have ongoing conversations with my relatives and share pictures.I have learned more about my relatives in 3 months of joining this site than I have in 47 years.I love it.Thanks for creating Geni.


I love this site… I am addicted!


I’ve been researching my family history for years. It’s been a great hobby for me and my family is intrigued but it’s been difficult presenting the actual information in an engaging way. Geni has been a huge help in getting the family involved and also given me a reason to reach out to distant family members I would have never contacted to bring them into the fold. I love the site so much.


Hi.. I am so happy when introduced Geni to me. I have been looking for this, as to enhance relationship among family members. For me, its going to be a family encyclopedia to us.


Our family is really loving Geni. My 80 year old uncles are as active as anyone and it is a thrill to see their input on family history. Family letters are a thing of the past in our family but we have boxes that are true treasures. Thank you, thank you for Geni.


This is about the best family tree sharing site I’ve found.


I LOVE your website. I had such a huge family I never knew about.


Kudos! Geni is a fascinating relationship tool that draws the user for endless discovery. Never have I so far come across a website that draws you to spend productive hours with such dedication. One of the best websites of the century!! Please keep up the good work. Congratulations!!


Thanks a lot to the team at Geni for a truly wonderful idea and tool. And a big thank you for the tree merging feature. I have at last merged my tree with that of my cousins.


I Love your site, it allows me and my family to add to the tree from all over the world, thanks for a great site.


I really like your site, I think it is very well done.  And it’s a fun way to share info with my family.


First of all I would like to extend my deep appreciation of your wonderful system which helped me a lot in making our long overdue family tree.


First let me say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!! FABULOUS job on this site!!


First, what a fantastic site. I’m a Geni addict and just can’t get enough of this good thing. 🙂


Your site is fantabulous and thinks of everything. a huge thanks!


(I) want to say thank you for creating an awesome tool. I’ve just started getting interested in my family tree and Geni is the best tool out there that I’ve found for making this task easy.


I have to say that Geni is perfect in almost every way.


Keep up the good work with such a wonderful site!!!!


I love Geni, and at my age I am having so much fun.


I was invited to join my family tree, and did a little research on your company to make sure it wasn’t bogus. After seeing great reviews, I joined and WOW!  It’s so easy to use! I can see it’s destined to be a success!


I really like your site, and I know many other Web 2.0 fanatics do too. I can’t wait to see my family tree flourish!


I just wanted to let you know what a great web site you have. My family has been using it for several weeks now, and everyone really enjoys it.


Congratulations to Geni for the best tech follow up/follow through that I’ve experienced.


Hi, I’m a new user, and I just wanted to say thank you. In only a few days, I have connected or reconnected with a few distant relatives I haven’t seen in years, and it’s been wonderful. This is a great site, and I greatly appreciate that it’s free. Thank
you for making it available.


This is a wonderful site. I just wanted to say thank you so much for making it available free. It is proving to be a wonderful thing for our family.


Fantastic site! Easy to use and very useful for having family members to keep their own family data up to date, instead of the family historian (me) trying to keep up with it. I love it!


Since I first joined the site a few days ago, I can’t stop using it. Absolutely brilliant site.You’ve created a really wonderful site.


I think this is a WONDERFUL site. I love being able to reconnect with family I haven’t seen in a long time. Thank you for this site.


I love your website. I think it’s one of the best, if not the best, websites for creating a family tree.


I love what you all are doing with the site. It’s brought so many of my family members, both distant and close relatives together. The recent upgrades have been working out well…especially love the "who’s online" and the tree merge items…Thanks again for making this site available and SOOOO easy to use. I’ve received so many compliments about "my site" and I have to just smile and let them know it’s been a joint effort.


We love Geni! It has brought so much of our family together.


I love Geni –  it is really bringing our family together in wonderful ways.


This is a great site. Really helps to get to know about distant family members.


I have to say Geni is one of the best social networking sites I have come across. Well done!


This is an awesome product. I started a family tree in high school and never finished. This gives me a second chance.


I just wanted to say "thank you" to the creators of geni.com. I have been researching my family history for many years. I have always wanted to share the information I have found, but never had a practical way to do it. I was also lucky enough to find two missing branches of our family; one in the South and one branch living on the East coast. I was the only person in California who has met all of these new cousins. Then I found geni – and now everyone is chatting, reconnecting, meeting, posting, uploading – getting connected with each other. We recently had our first family reunion picnic, where most folks had not seen each other in nearly thirty years. We are now planning for our HUGE family reunion next summer. THANK YOU, GENI.COM, for helping me reunite and connect my family.


@geni excellent news on being able to add videos at http://www.geni.com a really powerful Genealogy site is evolving there

Paul Duxbury

Geni.com is an amazing site. Even my mom who still struggles opening pictures and links in email can use it.


http://geni.com has to be one of the coolest Web 2.0 apps out there.  Why?  Even my less-tech-literate family uses it!


Just wanted to thank you for a wonderful site…This site has made gathering the information so much easier. We started with less than 200 and have more than doubled and still have many more current generations to add. …Sorta like a MySpace for the extended family… much safer too! Very easy to navigate and pretty much every feature is here!… Again, thank you for this great site, I have been encouraging as many people outside my family to start their own tree.


You guys should know that: 1. I’m obsessed with this. 2. My family is now obsessed with this, and 3. This site has now brought together some family members who haven’t spoken in some time!


Thank you for the awesome program, I have never done so much work on a family tree, you make it so easy.


Geni is a great application with a long bright future. I highly suggest signing up and joining in on the family fun.


It’s one of my favorite social networking tools that enable its users to find and stay in touch with their relatives as they capture and share their family’s history.
