How royal are we then?

Started by Willa Potgieter x Huang xx Truter on Thursday, July 25, 2013
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7/25/2013 at 3:37 AM

I relate to all these profiles (14 - 17th cousins), just no path to Nicholas Petrović Njegoš

Also do many other royal profiles such Princess Diane (16th cousin) one of the kings bing my 14/15/16/17th great grand fathers

so how royal are we really?

I don't want the titles for sure not ! but just wonder what effect it has on us - it seems like the whole relates to them somehow anyways

just a wondering soul ...


7/25/2013 at 3:39 AM

ns - i am blessed with a dyslexia due to a hearing loss - so read pass the do/to etc that I've mixed up please - yes and you my laugh at my silly mistakes - some are really funny ... specially when I wanted to eat more garbage instead of cabbage :-)

Private User
7/25/2013 at 8:25 AM

Hello Willa,

Well, so far none of these profiles (nor any other crowned head in history) have common ancestors with me. Of course, there have been studies showing that pretty much all of current Europeans are descendants of Charlemagne (and lots of other historical figures). I believe I'm also one, but it will take some time to prove it. :)
Anyway, it only shows that we are all related and lots of people here at Geni are closer or distant cousins of Queen Elizabeth II, Barack Obama or Ernest Hemingway. :) It's nice to see the connections.

As for Nikola Petrovic Njegos, I added lots of his mother's ancestors (all French, mostly from Bretagne) but so far there is no relation to the nobility.

Best wishes,


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