Gladys Winifred Mitchell (Peck) - Gladys's relatives

Started by Holly Brown on Monday, March 24, 2014
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3/24/2014 at 9:30 AM

Letter found in safe of Dorothy Rae Brown. The envelope was addressed to Mrs. Raymond Mitchell in Buellton, California Box 90. The postage stamp sales Lakeville Conn, October 30, 1944. Contains names and pertinent dates of relatives on the Carrie Tripp side of the family.

On stationary reading Mrs. William F. Decker

Dear Gladys -

According to records I was born just after midnight seventy-five years ago tonight so just getting in to Oct 30. And your birthday will be a week from Tuesday and the Malcolm's was last Tuesday and if your mother had lived she would have been sixty last Wednesday Oct 25. Aunt Luella and Uncle Delton were married sixty-nine years ago last Friday Oct 27. Uncle Fred would have been seventy two next Friday. Then comes your birthday and the 18th was Uncle Frank's. The 24th was your Grandpa Tripps and the 28th Luella Whitaker's. - quite a full fall number -

On Aug 14th, we celebrated our fiftieth wedding anniversary - with a reception at Percy's - about thirty six relatives were present and some town people but a terrific thunder shower lasting all the afternoon kept many from comings. We had many nice gifts including china and glassware table linen - $150.00 in money, bundles fo beautiful flowers cards and messages galore.

We planned to have some snaps taken that afternoon but too stormy so got a few next morning in our everyday togs. Uncles Burt and Harry and Leslie stayed over night so got theirs. I'll send you a couple of snaps and later one of the pictures of Uncle Bill and I which hope will reach you on your birthday.

I guess I wrote that Con and Dorothy are (processing?) the laundry and livin the their trailer - which they have parked in teh yard. Uncle Will and I are doing some work but not much. We put a little more money (with?) - that given us on our anniversary and built-ins a fireplace in the north end of sun parlor nd we expect to enjoy many winter evenings in the front of the house. For my birthday the boys and wives have given me the fireplace furniture - screen and woodbasket - (audiroias & ?) Wood is fourteen dollars a cord, the greatest drawback -

Aunt Elsie seems to be failing. Aside from that all are well. Dorothy's sister died July 16 leaving a baby girl six days old. We will not go to FLorida this winter - transportations and accomodations too uncertain and with D&D here/working to urge us to go.

Uncle Harry went to Florida Sept 5 and on the tenth married a widow at Ulela Florida. She owns a four-room bungalow and half acre of ground with fruit trees. He plans to have a few chickens and a garden. Hoe this finds you are well and you quite rested from your operation.

We are very (?) and I seem to be having some queer headaches lately. Aside from that - all O.K.

Love to everyone from everyone.

Aunt Eleanor

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