James Spader

Started by Eowyn Langholf (GFR Cousin Coordinator) on Saturday, July 26, 2014
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Someone thought we might want to expand on James Spader since many people often connect through him in regards to AJ connections. I haven't checked to see how much of Spader's genealogy is on Geni but if anyone wants to check out this link and see if there's info worth adding, please go for it!


Private User
8/7/2014 at 6:19 PM

I'll claim Unknown Profile -- sorry, Erica. ;) I have nothing to do all day Friday and was looking for a project, so this works.

I think we had already gotten everything from that site well before A.J.'s project, but I'll double-check. Thanks!

8/7/2014 at 8:14 PM

Ashley I'd love it if you developed Spader's tree, great idea to take a look.

I don't know about you but I can find the 1700s surprisingly underdeveloped after the traffic jam in 1645.

Maybe around the Cabot's?

Unknown Profile

"The founder of the Boston Brahmin Cabot family. "The Lowells speak only to Cabots, the Cabots only to God..."

8/7/2014 at 8:17 PM

Renee - looks like there's a lot of density to the Grosvenor's! Well done.

8/7/2014 at 8:21 PM

Thanks for expanding that tree! I still haven't officially invited James Spader to the reunion, but this gives me a good reminder to do it! (I've only met him a couple of times at other family reunions, the kind with less than 5,000 people)

8/7/2014 at 11:21 PM

My Grosvenor, Whitney, Adams, lines take the absolute cake!
(Not all to my credit- I had a ton of assistance, on these lines from Monica Frances LaMont, also on GENI.)

A.J. and Erica and/or Ashley...
(Most likely, deeming yet another new Discussion)

another cool idea for A. J. and GFR invitations, would be the editor and publishers or American Heritage and National Geographic Society and Magazine and channel... who are also, in my Grosvenor lines. Forbes is in there, too. heehee! Could become a mighty illustrious Reunion! ;-)

Unknown Profile


Be sure to let them know, direct descendants of John Grosvenor, will be attending the GFR, too!


8/7/2014 at 11:28 PM

Unknown Profile

Fran is a direct descendant of Ebenezer Grosvenor, the Patron of the Editors and Publishing branch of American Heritage and National Geographic. She has done and continues to do great work, for many descendants of these lines.

Unknown Profile

James Spader is Edward III of England's 18th great grandson.

Carlos Tomás Irwin, General. Ministro de Guerra y Marina is James Spader's third cousin 23 times removed's husband's second great granddaughter's husband's father.

James Spader is Roberto Policarpo de Jesús Irwin Vale, Brisas del Pamplonita's 20th cousin once removed!
Unknown Profile


Unknown Profile is my 19th great grandfather

Does anyone not like the image for Unknown Profile. it is a A depiction of the Town of Saint Helier as it was in 1709

Private User
12/10/2014 at 5:53 AM

Common connection for James Spader and A.J. is Sir William Mallory, Sheriff of Yorkshire, MP, High Steward of Ripon (Spader is a second cousin 14 times removed and A.J. is a 32nd cousin 23 times removed.

1/8/2015 at 8:10 AM

James Spader is my 14th cousin.

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