Diane Elizabeth Rudolph (Wallis) - Doctor Diane Elizabeth Wallis

Started by Dieter Rudolph on Sunday, September 14, 2014
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9/14/2014 at 7:24 AM

Diane Elizabeth Wallis married Dieter Rudolph 1993 and divorced Dieter Rudolph 2008. Diane uses her birth name of Wallis professionally. She is listed on this family tree as Rudolph. However, I believe she married again but Dieter Rudolph has no knowledge of whom to and has not been able to alter her current legal name. Perhaps someone will see this topic and will be able to advise me, as I feel it as important that any error is corrected.

Whatever occurred does not change the fact that she gave birth to our lovely Daughter Helena for which Dieter Rudolph, Helena's father will always be grateful.

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