Grace Marston - Are you sure that the photos are of the correct gravesite?

Sean发起 2014年10月5日(星期日)
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2014年10月5日下午 8:28

Is there really no marker for them? I was there this afternoon and thought it was their grave was the white marble cross that had eroded all of the inscriptions.

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2014年10月7日上午 2:12

My neice and I were there at the proper spot and there was no marker. As the pictures show, Thanks for adding pictures and all!

2014年10月7日上午 2:52

Do we know who else is in that plot? The information on this site states that there are 9 people buried there.

I will have a granite tile made and will put it on the proper grave site with the info. I can afford $30, it is better than nothing.

I am really surprised that no one ever put a marker. Cecelia had some money and Blanche had some money, I don't know anything about the other surviving siblings.

What do you know of them? Blanche in her strange ways before her dementia told me that they were "like gypsies." Telling fortunes and scamming. One brother drowned in Sheepshead Bay. A sister died of breast Cancer - Mary I believe she said.

Cecelia was ahead of her time, using different names to buy and sell real estate whenever she could turn a profit, I could understand the gypsies description in that regard. My mother told me about coming home from school to find that her mother had sold the house and the rest of the family had moved while she was at school with no one telling her.

The Marstons seemed exceedingly tragic- George died in of "heart failure and exposure." His daughter Lillie died and wife only made it to 43. There so far is nothing else on them?

My mother was in contact with her cousin Rita for many years, I believe she had a daughter that killed herself by jumping in with the alligators in Ocala Florida. I think I have photos of her with my Uncle Jack in the 1970's.

I tried for years to flesh out something of the Murphy ancestry and Marston side, but had nothing to go on and two common surnames. I know more about them in the last couple of weeks than I did my entire life.

I emailed the two women that manage these profiles, but no one responded. You are the only one to reply.

I wonder how estranged the family was. I know Blanche had a way of "causing trouble." She was the only sibling of Cecilia's that my mother was in contact with along with her children Tom and Margaret. I met her other son Robert once and spoke to Margaret once in awhile, last seeing her and Blanche in 2001.

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2014年10月8日下午 2:07

Most of the wonderful infomation on this website regarding our families geneology was added by my niece. I helped her anyway I could.
We visited the Murphy grave site at Calvery in 2011 and took the pictures then. We were also disappointed that there was no marker but this has not been unheard of in our research.
We know that William J Murphy purchased the grave site in 1917 when his daughter Irene died at the young age of 7. The same year he died.
Source: Calvary Cemetery (718) 786-8002 - Open 8Am to 4:30 PM - William Murphy, Age 41, was buried on Sept. 26, 1917 in 2nd Calvary on Laurel Hill Blvd., Section 42 Range 35 Plot K Grave #13 The plot was purchased by William Murphy in May 1917. There are 9 family members buried in the plot Including William's daughter Irene Murphy who died at Age 7 May 19, 1917 and his wife Grace Murphy who died March 1970 at the age of 84 years old.
If my memory is correct the Calvery Office required a fee for information on the other people buried there but Dawn and I had hoped we could find out using other means.
From what I have heard and have read: The Murphys were left without a bread winner with a big family and many of them young. My father and his brother William had respectable jobs when they were still in their teens. I suppose they survived by their wits in any way they could.
Of course I am one of the babies in the family and my older siblings had more direct contact. Maybe they will chime in to this post?
The Marstons have been diffucult to trace. What we have found out is on the web site.
For years I knew little about the Murphy's except family myth until Dawn research uncovered what we now know.
I think families tend to drift apart as people become preoccupied with their immediate families. That is why family history is so often lost.
I remember seeing my fathers brother William when I was little. Uncle Bill and Aunt Marion. He would always give us a quarter"for ice cream" and he always had a new car. I think he was a car saleman.
So Sean, where do you fit in? Are you a grandson of Max and Cecilia?

2014年10月8日下午 4:38

Yes, I am Max's and Cecelia's grandson The last of their children was Jack who died in 1997. My mother died in 1992.

I am close with one of Jack's surviving sons and had been in contact with David's daughters and contacted Gloria's lone son.


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