Kohn family in Raodnice

Started by Harel Kohen on Monday, December 1, 2014
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12/1/2014 at 5:59 AM

Rav Binyamin Ze'ev Wolf Kohn, Zeidy Bazach, came into the world on the fast of 17 Tammuz 5595 (1835) in the town of Roudnice in northern Bohemia. He was born in house no. 26, on the bank of the Elbe River, son to the pious R' Shmuel and Ester Kohn.
During the hundred years prior to Zeidy Bazach's birth, his ancestors resided in various towns in northwest Bohemia. With G-d's help, we have succeeded in tracing the family's history back to the generation of the celebrated Nodah Biyehudah, Rav Yechezkel Landau (5474–5553 [1714–1793]), Chief Rabbi of the capital city of Prague.
Zeidy Bazach's paternal grandparents were also citizens of Roudnice, which was situated about forty kilometers (25 miles) north of Prague; however, we know nothing about them or their origins beyond their names, approximate dates of birth, and dates of death – which precede the arrival of their grandchild, Zeidy Bazach, by more than a decade.
The grandfather, Rav Simcha Kohn, was born in 5519 (1759) and died in 5583 (1822). The grandmother, Rachel, of the Steiner family, was born in 5524 (1764) and died in Roudnice in 5578 (1818). They were married in 5550 (1789) in Roudnice, (the town was populated by about a hundred Jewish families at that time) and it was there that they lived and died. At that time, the most prominent rabbinic authority of the day, Nodah Biyehudah, who hailed from Apt (Opatow), Poland, was the Chief Rabbi of Prague. Rav Simcha and Rachel Kohn had seven children: Rivka, Avner, Ester, Meir, Sarah, Shmuel, and Yisrael. Rav Simcha was a widower and we do not know if he had any children from his first marriage. Neither do we know who his first wife was.
Zeidy Bazach's father, R' Shmuel, the sixth child, was born in his parents' Roudnice home in 5562 (1801), nine years after the death of Nodah Biyehudah.
R' Shmuel married Ester (Teresa) Pick, and when R' Shmuel's parents passed away, the couple took up residence in their home and apparently stayed there for some time.
Zeidy Bazach's mother, Ester, daughter to R' Raphael and Gittel Pick, came from the village of Brodetz (Brodce/Brodet), northeast of Prague, where her father worked as a cattle merchant. R' Raphael Pick's father, who appears in civil registers under the name R' Shmuel Rubin, would later be called R' Wolf Pick. We find him and his family living in a number of towns near the city of Mlada Boleslav. He was born in Bezno and worked as a "peddler and merchant." Later, he lived in Brodetz, where their son Raphael was born. When Raphael was thirteen (5553 [1793]) the family was living in Luschtenitz (Luštěnice), house no. 15. It appears that Raphael and Gittel Pick spent their final days, around 5602 (1842), in Petkow (Petkovy).
Zeidy Bazach's grandmother, Gittel, hailed from the city of Jitschin (also northeast of Prague), and was the daughter of Marcus and Anna Baroch. Marcus Baroch died before his children were married off, and his widowed wife owned a grocery store. Anna Baroch was from the Heller family. It may reasonably be assumed that she was a granddaughter of the Chief Rabbi of Prague, Rav Yom Tov Lipman Heller (5339–5414 [1579–1654]), though no such lineage is mentioned anywhere in Zeidy Bazach's writings.

12/3/2014 at 12:20 AM

Thanks for posting this. I've made his profile a master profile. Rav Binyomin Zev Volf Kohn

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