Catharina van Paliacatta, SM/PROG - mtDNA for Catharina van Paliacatta

Started by Delia Robertson on Tuesday, February 16, 2016
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2/16/2016 at 9:05 PM

I would be delighted and most grateful to hear from any direct matrilineal descendant of Catharina van Paliacatta, who has had their mtDNA tested.

Kind regards
Delia Robertson

2/17/2016 at 1:28 AM


Eliza ''Ella'' Petzer
your mother

Michael Eric van Gend
her father

Eliza Watson
his mother

Johanna Catharina Antoinetta Snyman
her mother

Gerrit Christoffel Snyman
her father

Jacobus Snyman, b7c4d6
his father

Jacobus Snyman c4 (Drakenstein) (1734)
his father

Philippus Snyman, b7
his father

Christoffel Snyman
his father

Catharina van Paliacatta, SM/PROG
his mother

2/17/2016 at 1:28 AM

Hi there

Above is my link to her.

Take care,


2/17/2016 at 1:29 AM

Catharina van Paliacatta, SM/PROG is your 8th great grandmother.

Will it serve of any purpose if have my wife`s DNA taken for this purpose . Their relationship are as follows. but please handle the matter carefully as I don't want to be hit to death with a ladder. They are still capable of that Private

she is my 7th great grand Mother Catharina "Groote Catrijn" van Paliacatta, SM/PROG

2/17/2016 at 9:24 PM

Martin Andreas Karl (Dries) Potgieter Your wife seems to be a direct matrilineal descendant of Lijsbeth Arabus. So yes, it would be very helpful, although not necessarily for Catharina v Paliacatta. Thus far, apart from early generations, your direct matrilineal line is documented to Jannetje Bort.

2/17/2016 at 9:26 PM

Thanks Adri Joubert - I am looking for direct maternal line descendants - so from child to mother, to mother, to mother, to mother, and so on.

Can DNA test be done in South Africa and by whom and what will it cost more or
My own DNA test was done by National Geographic, but with lots off trouble on way because of the Ebola virus in Africa

Any one can give the information, but please use my private E-Mail as not to be accused of advertising

6/17/2016 at 1:13 AM

Still anxious to learn if any direct matrilineal descendant of Groote Catrijn, i.e. from individual > mother > mother > mother > until Groote Catrijn has had mtDNA tested. Thanks much.

I have just discovered that I do have a maternal line to Catharina van Paliacatta

Delia Robertson, Are you still looking for a direct maternal line to Catharina van Pliacatta

Private User
3/12/2017 at 12:50 AM

The Cape Dutch / Kaaps-Hollands DNA Project is happy to be of assistance in testing the mtDNA (full mitochondrial sequence).

The admins of the project have been notified and can be contacted by email:

3/12/2017 at 3:06 AM

Not a direct Maternal line as there is some grandfaters inbetween - but she is my 9th grandmom via my dad's line

This is my line to her :

Catharina van Paliacatta, SM/PROG is your 9th great grandmother.
You → Leon Potgieter
my father → Johannes Theodorus Potgieter
his father → Gerhardus (Gert) Daniël Potgieter
his father → Johannes Theodorus Potgieter
his father → Gerhardus Daniel Potgieter
his father → Johanna Elizabeth Potgieter (Stroebel)
his mother → Martha Catharina Stroebel
her mother → Petrus Botha b4c10
her father → Elsje Snyman, b5
his mother → Christoffel Snyman
her father → Catharina van Paliacatta, SM/PROG
his mother - my 9th grandmom ;-)

Sy is my agste grootouma Smit/Loubser/lombaard/Snyman lyn

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