Mary Anne Trump (MacLeod) - Marie Macleod

Started by Carolyn Rogers on Tuesday, January 31, 2017
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1/31/2017 at 9:39 AM

@ immigration and US citizenship Papers

Private User
1/31/2017 at 4:12 PM

What about her legal documents?

Private User
1/31/2017 at 4:22 PM

geni provides certain pathways but I have found that our families are related in several was among the closest is 12th cousin thrice removed
Mills>de Revere Pratt > Alcott Pratt> Bronson Pratt > Alcott > May > Gore of Roxbury > Rose 1st of Bellivat> Gordon> Cumming of Altyre >Munro of Bunchrew> McKay Of Halmdary>MacLeod (Trump)

Private User
1/31/2017 at 4:36 PM

Isn't this about the two stories, one that she was an illegal immigrant that came to work, and the other one that she was a tourist who fell in love, went back and later returned.

Private User
1/31/2017 at 4:48 PM

I'm assuming that this request is in regards to the meme going around about her being an undocumented immigrant. As shown by journalists (like The Washington Post staff) and genealogists (like Megan Smolenyak) alike, this is false. You can actually see her naturalization petition at

What *is* true is that Donald Trump's paternal grandfather, Frederick Trump, left Germany illegally. He was eventually granted a waiver by the U.S. and became a citizen as well. If you want to read the entire story, replete with ample citations, it's covered in the book "Trump Revealed" by The Washington Post, which the Trump family cooperated on. Try the preview at or get a library copy at for the full history.

So, as is so often the case, memes have grains of truth but not much substance. Yes, a recent ancestor had documentation and legality issues; no, Trump's mother was not "illegal."

Private User
1/31/2017 at 4:59 PM

Private User, your question is answered above. Please ask questions via the "Discussions" tab in the future instead of on the profile itself. Thanks!

Private User
1/31/2017 at 11:03 PM

Thank you for answering my query, with such detail, and promptness Ashley.

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