Ellen Elizabeth Royle (Humphrey) - who was this woman who died so young?

Started by Kenneth John Royle on Friday, March 17, 2017
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My father told me when he was very young he went with his mother by train to see her parents in Tunbridge Wells, he said what was unusual for the time was that her father had a car. He remembers that they went out on a ride in the car, to get up a steep hill it had to go up in reverse. The only Humphrey family in the area lived in Powder Mill cottages, Hildenborough near Tonbridge yet no first name of Ellen at family home?

Update....A woman died in 1962 at the age of 82 from Hildenbourough whose name was Ellen Elizabeth Humphrey could two members of this family have the same name but of different ages?

Sorry Kenneth, my understanding of English geography is quite limited so please correct me if I am misunderstanding.

Your grandmother was named Ellen Humphry.
Her parents lived in Tunbridge Wells and owned a car.
You found a Humphrey family in Hildenborough but you could not find an Ellen in that family.
There actually was an Ellen Elizabeth Humphrey born 1891 died 1962 in Hildenbourough.

You seem to be asking if the family in Hildenbourough could have had two daughters, born 1891 & 1897, both named Ellen.

Is that correct?

How certain are you that Ellen Humphery's parents were named Humphrey?

How does the name Royle get added into the family?

I think I found the woman who died in 1962 https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/9JD7-82G but she is the only Ellen in the family when checking 1891, 1901 and 1911 census.

I've found more information, Ellen Elizabeth Royle was born in Sevenoaks, her family were farm labourers. The name Humphrey I think is made up for whatever reason as was her claimed husbands name of George Royle, his real name is George Chalder, he was a bigamist already married with 3 children living in Croydon

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