Elizabeth II Alexandra Mary Windsor of the United Kingdom (Windsor), Queen - Last Online

Started by Private on Tuesday, April 18, 2017
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  • Photo by Joel Rouse of the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence; retouched by Wikipedia user nagualdesign. Licensed under the United Kingdom Open Government Licence v3.0 (OGL v.3). Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Queen_Elizabeth_II_in_March_2015.jpg#mw-jump-to-license
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4/18/2017 at 11:50 PM

How was she last online in 2016? Queen Elizabeth II does not use Geni.

Added by: Bjørn P. Brox on April 18, 2007
Last Online: August 3, 2016
Managed by: Bjørn P. Brox and 146 others
Curated by: Ofir Friedman
I am new to this gene thing - but could it be that Bjorn was last the one the created the profile and he may be the one last online ...

Private User
4/19/2017 at 4:43 AM

According to her profile, she follows 783 profiles whereof the last with a date was followed 2016-9-4, so we have two possibilities, the real Queen was in fact a member on Geni, but have terminated hers account, or, someone else pretended to be her, ad someone else have terminated that account. This applies also to one of her sons, that also have a similar pattern. I know that some European royalties have their own profiles here on Geni, and have created some profiles and follows other, so we can't rule out that the Queen once wasn't a member here herself, so in order to know exactly which of the two above alternatives that's right, we have to wait for a curator with insight in this matter to tell us.

Private User
4/19/2017 at 4:43 AM

Nah, - check the revisions, especially merges.

It is an unclaimed fake user profile that is merged in. We hunt sown such several times a week, and especially the British royals are popular to use as a base for building trees.

The common rule is that we should never merge in such a profile, but delete it instead, but a curator have probably forgotten this.

It does however show an error, because only curators should be able to see Last Online statement, and secondly Mike Stangel made once a fix that all such previous user information should not display on Master Profiles if it happens that a previously claimed profile has been merged into it.

Private User
4/19/2017 at 4:57 AM

Thanks Björn, that explains what happened.

4/19/2017 at 6:51 AM

Well with everyone related to King this or that the throne is not that big for everyone of us to sit in it..I know with the lines that I have with in me from Henry the VIII , Henry Spencer and Isabella Lincoln Spencer and now toss in the Teck line ...Sorry guys

4/19/2017 at 7:12 AM

I'm suddenly interested because the 1936 fashionable king for a few months Edward VIII's wife Duchess of Windsor Wallis Simpson's family seemed to live in America during the last century and married New York Jew Murray Joseph Rossant, which makes me more relationally close to the British protestants than ever before. Murray Rossan's ex father-in-law is Ernest Aldrich Simpson, an American connected to British royalty through Edward VIII's wife Wallis Simpson.

I think it's the closest relationship in terms of degrees of separation between Jews and British royalty in existence.

4/19/2017 at 7:49 AM

I have a connection into British Royalty via the wife of my fourth cousin. Her grandfather was JFK's brother Robert. One of the sisters of JFK's wife Jackie was married to the biological son of King George VI's brother the Duke of Kent. This make the Duke of Kent's biological son, the first cousin of Elizabeth II.

Private User
4/19/2017 at 1:44 PM

There is a woman , known as the Illigitimate daughter of Edward VIII, i think her name is

elisabeth windsor, , she has a profile on geni . somewhere!!

Private User
4/19/2017 at 1:46 PM

Emily Elizabeth Windsor-Cragg

is her correct name :)

Private User
4/29/2017 at 8:01 AM

"I think it's the closest relationship in terms of degrees of separation between Jews and British royalty in existence."


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