"Daughter of Hokoleskwa Cornstalk"/ Piqua Shawnee, Bear Clan - Death Date Daughter of Hokoleskwa Cornstalk"/ Piqua Shawnee, Bear Clan

Started by Dianne Marie Dearring, A644121 on Wednesday, August 15, 2018
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8/15/2018 at 6:20 PM

The death date of 1666 was before the birth of all of the children. The youngest child was born 1680, so I've changed the death date to show as after 1680. I found that family search had information showing the death date as 1700 and also found the Shawnee Heritage book by Don Green, page 88, showing the death date as 1697. I am not sure which is correct. Here are links to those sources - https://books.google.com/books?id=WtAeCAAAQBAJ&lpg=PA84&dq=... and

Dianne Marie Dearring, A644121

Don't use Don Greene's Shawnee Heritage books, they are FULL of errors.

I do believe however that the death date for her is 1697.

Straight Tail Meaurroway Opessa (1630-1709 or 1710), or simply known as Meaurroway, was Chief of the Pekowi, a subdivision of the Shawnee Native American tribe. He was also the Chief of the Turtle Clan, one of the most religious orders of the tribe.
Contents [hide]
1 Biography
2 Children
3 Legacy and Intermarriages
4 Bibliography

Straight Tail was born in 1630 in present-day Ohio, to the Chief of the Pekowi and an unnamed Pekowi Woman. Nothing is yet known of his childhood or teenage years, but what is known is that he succeeded his father at the age of 40 in 1670, as both Pekowi Chief and Chief of the Turtle Clan. Each division of the Shawnee had control over different aspects of the whole tribe's lifestyle, and the Pekowi managed the Shawnee's state of order, duty and celebration of religion. As Chief, Staight Tail was in charge of these important aspects of tribal life. Meaurroway was a strong leader, leading his people on massive migrations:
1677: Leads his people to present-day Illinois and Miami to join up with other bands of Shawnee and various tribes.
1680-1693: Leads his tribe to the area around present-day Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia and North Carolina, frequently moving throughout that area over the course of 13 years.
1697: Straight Tail settles down with his tribe in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
Straight Tail eventually gave up his rank of Chief of the Pekowi and the Turtle Clan to his son, Opessa, in 1697. Opessa would later sign a peace treaty with William Penn in 1701, and have good relations with Pennsylvania governor John Evans.
Straight Tail Meaurroway Opessa died in Pennsylvania in either 1709 or 1710.

Straight Tail married a Pekowi woman in 1650, having the following children:
Sewatha STRAIGHT-TAIL b: ABT 1660 in Ohio, USA
Cakundawanna STRAIGHT-TAIL b: ABT 1662
Opessa STRAIGHT-TAIL b: ABT 1664
Snow White STRAIGHT-TAIL b: ABT 1666 in Ohio, USA
John White STRAIGHT-TAIL b: ABT 1670 in Ohio, USA
Daughter STRAIGHT-TAIL b: ABT 1680 in Illinois, USA
Legacy and Intermarriages[edit]

Unlike other Native American Chiefs before him, Straight Tail did not discourage interracial marriage. He encouraged a good relationship with the Europeans. His daughter, Sewatha, married a prominent French trader, Martin Chartier, who explored the Great Lakes region of America with Rene-Robert de la Salle. Other children and their descendants also married whites. Because of these marriages, a vast amount of his modern-day descendants include people that have Caucasian features.

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