Peter Den Unge Sandven, Sandven - Why was the profile changed for Peter Den Unge Sandven?

Начала Private User суббота, 6 апреля 2019
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Private User
6.4.2019 в 7:25 после полудня

Why did this happen?
"Peter Den Unge Sandven, Sandven was disconnected from his parents Peter Støyper Steffensson and Ingebjørg Magnusdatter Sponheim and siblings Ridder Ogmund "Jorsalfar" på Sponheim, Peder Pedersen Sponheim (Jorsalafar), Ridder Bård Pettersen and Peter den Ældre på Sponheim by Remi Trygve Pedersen. "
Now his geneology ends. |What new information came to light and where did the names of his parents and siblings come from in the first place (that are now removed|)?

7.4.2019 в 12:50 до полудня

The curator note says "His parents and wife are unknown. Theories are mentioned in his About me. Please don't add parents or wifes without finding primary sources to back your information."

The About Me gives details about who advanced theories on his parentage (in Norwegian only, sorry about that).

Private User
7.4.2019 в 4:57 до полудня

Thank you! Peter is my 21st Great grandfather, so I am quite interested to know. :)

7.4.2019 в 5:04 до полудня

Did I do something wrong? I trip to update for all “Smartmatches” that are sent to me. Please accept my apologies if I made a mess.

8.4.2019 в 7:47 до полудня

When you take info from smartmatches, it's important to check the profiles you're merging into - especially when there's curator notes, these often give information about what NOT to add. MyHeritage trees frequently contain speculation.

It's possible to lock profiles' relationships so that it's not possible for anyone but a curator to add more parents, spouses or children - but most of the time, we don't like to do that.

8.4.2019 в 10:26 до полудня

He is my twentieth Great Grandfather, are there disputed lines downstream through Aga as well?

9.4.2019 в 12:12 до полудня

Basically anything in Norway older than 1800 has to be looked at carefully; it's likely based on fragmentary evidence. Read the profile before making additions; if there aren't any primary or otherwise reliable sources cited, it's a sign that the profile needs some research - if there are primary or otherwise reliable sources cited, it's a sign that you need to check them before making additions, since what you are considering adding might be unverifiable or disproven theories.

9.4.2019 в 7:02 до полудня

I would agree Harald, on my Y DNA side I can only verify to 1670 when the sting of Endre Guttormsson or Guttorm Endressen ended at Hatveit...they say Endre and his brother Wrall came from Mogedal but I sure can't find them beyond that point. The rest of the connections except back to Kristense Zachariasdatter Schkanke stop there...from that point forward I have depended on my cousins in Norway to verify and I try merge with them if possible. Since I have three that have solid DNA ties to, I feel kind of confident in them.

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