My subclade

Started by Stephen John Carter on Saturday, May 11, 2019
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5/11/2019 at 11:03 PM

There don't seem to be many people with this subclade here!

Apparently this is also Davy Crocket's subclade.

5/11/2019 at 11:43 PM

Stephen John Carter
Hi Stephen
Perhaps the 325 profiles are just under some sort of magic spell and need to be waken up by a prince‘s kiss or so. ;-))

Hellooooo from Switzerland - anybody here???

5/11/2019 at 11:49 PM

Hi Andre

Great to make contact! I have awoken from my magic spell and I’m very interested to see who else shares this subclade.

What sort of things have people been discovering about each other and how they link?

I can only trace my Carter family back to Hampshire in England a couple of Centuries back. Not sure whether they had a different surname before that.

Ancestry seems to think I have quite a lot of Germanic and Norwegian heritage to go with my generally British ancestry. There seem to be some I-CTS3644’s with similar heritage here.

Best wishes


5/11/2019 at 11:51 PM

Sorry - should say I-CTS6433. Where does that name come from? How is it derived?

5/12/2019 at 7:03 PM

"There don't seem to be many people with this subclade here!"

We're a rare breed at the best of times.

I-CTS6433 is a sub-branch of I-M233. In 23andMe, only 1 in 82,000 are of I-M233 or a sub-branch. However, it's quite widespread in Europe, from Northern Iberia to Russia, from Scandinavia to Italy. Hence the name "Continental 2a" given to the I-CTS6433 branch.

Are you on Facebook? If so, and you're interested in finding out more, consider joining the I2a2a group there ( There's a good bunch of lads there who are doing quite a bit of research on I-M223.

Oh, and for me, the rareness of I-M223 and its I-CTS6433 sub-branch has been helpful for my own research, as it means anything I find that is I-CTS6433 is a good pointer (as opposed to being part of a more common branch that could leave things too generic).

5/14/2019 at 11:44 AM

Hello Jason

Great to hear from you. And thanks for the background info you have given below.

I would be very pleased to head over to Facebook and see what is being discussed.

Best wishes


6/8/2019 at 2:58 AM

Hi Stephen & Jason
The rareness is also what helps me, but still it is rather lonesome in my I-L1425 subclade. I am positive with the phyloaeqivalent S17264 and as our group admin told us, it might be that there could be no one in this subclade in the future. They are concentrating on the descending clades, because since about 4 1/2 years there was no change here.
How about the two of you - what is your terminal address?

Best regards from Switzerland

Private User
2/22/2020 at 1:34 PM

Hi André,

I just found out I'm also a member of the I-L1425 subclade. I live near Antwerp in Belgium, and I tracked down my family tree to the 17th century. My male ancesters lived in the surroundings of the city of Oirschot in the south of the Netherlands. I'm interested in how those people got there. Any hints?

Rare regards


2/25/2020 at 6:08 AM

Hello Lieven

Maybe you've already tried the SNP-Tracker ( or the which give you more informations about the haplo paths. Also the "Lucasz Macuga maps" are very helpful. With these tools you'll get a better picture about where your ancestors might have been or wandered through during the centuries. I'd be glad to hear more about your findings!

Best regards

3/24/2020 at 3:59 AM

Hi guys

Meanwhile we have a I-L1425 group on YFull, on Facebook and we try to link us on LinkedIn as well. So there are a couple of possibilities to stay tuned - if you wish...

Best regards

4/21/2020 at 10:34 AM

Hi folks,

LivingDNA puts me in the I-CTS6433 group.

I'm hoping to break through a road block in my genealogy research, and find anyone living in or near Exeter, England between 1750 and 1800.

I know my 4th great grandfather, John Beal, was married in Exeter in 1798, before emigrating to America about 1800.


4/23/2020 at 4:50 AM

Hi Wes

It looks like Lieven and you are in the same situation, that LivingDNA cannot tell you a more refined subclade than I-CTS6433. You might know about the YFull tree, where you'll see the I-L1425 subclade downstream your clade. If we'd know for sure that you belong to this subclade, I'd invite you to join our I-L1425 group. But at this stage, it's more or less speculations - the only way to overcome this is by doing a WGS/NGS test. With these results you can apply for beeing put into the YFull tree and have your "own" flag in one of the subclades. Just as an example in our subclade we know each other by name and address and that gives many more research possibilities. So keep on going...

Regards André

5/20/2020 at 3:03 PM

Many thanks André. I've got my ftDNA BigY test kit. Have to take my samples, send them in, and wait.

5/21/2020 at 1:13 AM

Congrats - another step towards the Y-community.

And now: Patience is a virtue


Private User
6/28/2022 at 8:21 PM

Hi rarebreeds, 23&me says my paternal line is I-CTS6433. Not at all what I was expecting, since my paternal family has lived in a tiny, isolated village atop of a mountain in Parma, Italy since at least 1580 - where did they get a germanic haplogroup??? I-CTS6433 isn't even much present in northern Italy. I guess I'll never know...
Regards, Maria

6/30/2022 at 3:56 AM

Yes, as a member of the I-Y17376 branch, I can confirm that there are connections to Italy (more precisely Sicily) in this group. however, we have not yet been able to determine exactly how the route from north to the south took place. however, the theories mentioned are quite consistent!

Regards André

Private User
7/2/2022 at 11:32 AM
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