Girsh Klupt - Abram Klupt

Started by Dina Q Goldin on Saturday, September 7, 2019
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9/7/2019 at 6:23 PM

Girsh seems to have two sons named Abram. These are the same person! He had two wives, he lost the first one died after they had one daughter, and then had four sons with another one. He indicated different ages on the two censuses, so itt's not clear if he was born in 1805 or 1807, either one is possible, depending on why he lied about it...

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9/8/2019 at 12:47 AM

Hi Dina, thanks for your observation. I tend to agree with you that they are the same person but since I didn't have more proof to back that up I left them as separate profiles. Although it's highly unlikely Girsh Klupt would have two sons named the same, it is still possible their real names were double names, for example Abram-Meer and Abram-Yosef and in this case it's totally possible for them both to have the Abram part and I've come across that in my research a few times. So I'm a bit on the fence whether we should merge them or not

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