Need Assistance with Two Profiles for Possible Same Person

Started by Debbie Gambrell on Sunday, January 12, 2020
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1/12/2020 at 8:30 AM

I freaked out a bit this morning when I read notification of a change on a profile that is one of my close direct ancestors. In checking "why" the changes, I came to realize there are two different profiles for the same person - Hiram M. White, both using the same photo but with different wives, children and parents.

This is the one I'm connected to:
Hiram M White

It has been on Geni since 2014

This is the one I received notification on, which I wasn't even aware existed:
Hiram M. White

It has been on Geni since 2016

The 2nd one has double parents for Hiram's father John.

One problem is that if they are different people, the links in the profile not connected as my grandfather take you to My Heritage tree info that lists all the connections on the other profile (the one I'm connected to). So that implies they're the same man but then nothing else on his profile matches - not the chldren, wife or parents. .

I don't know how to sort out the details to determine if these are totally different men just mixed up enough to be using the same photo. If they're the same, there is a lot of sorting out that needs to be done as to wife/wives, parents, children. If they're not, who does the photo actually go with?

In looking at both, there are some similarities but too much is different. I don't think they could be merged as the same person. Neither is well-documented, so I tried to find information on my line to offer some sources. I see where Faustine Darsey had put a note in my Hiram's father's profile at some point but it doesn't seem that anyone has realized before that there are these two profiles with the similarities but differences and the referencing on one that has information related to the other one.

I wish I had been able to find more concrete information than just what is in other people's trees. The only solid evidence I have for the tree profile I'm connected to being correct is the tombstone that has both my ancestor Hiram White and wife Tabitha on it. So I know my Hiram was married to Tabitha King. It's just interesting that the other Hiram's wife was also a King, but Sarah. I'm inclined to think these are different men and maybe the thing that is confusing them in addition to having the same names themselves is the use of the same photo and wives with the same maiden name. OR was my Hiram married to two women who were both Kings? If so, who the heck were the real parents of Hiram!?

Here is the link to the tombstone of Hiram and Tabitha:

1/12/2020 at 8:34 AM

I had overlooked that there IS a lot of documentation in the Media section on the Hiram married to Tabitha King:

1/12/2020 at 8:42 AM

This link has a much larger picture of the grave marker for Hiram and Tabitha King White:

1/12/2020 at 8:52 AM

Pam Wilson (on hiatus)

may want to join the discussion since she was working on the profile I'm not connected to and that I received the notification on.

1/12/2020 at 9:12 AM

To confuse matters more, I just found a Hiram White on a document on Ancestry. He is the son of Lt. Col. Henry White. This Hiram is married to a Mary King! What is with all the Hirams married to King women! lol I never knew Hiram was such a common name.

Anyway, this particular Hiram was born 1801 and died 1873.

I mention this Hiram because the information here matches the grandfather Lt. Col. Henry White line attached as one set of parents for the Hiram I'm not connected to:

Name John W White Different
Birth 1765 New
Marriage 1792 New
Spouse Aggatha Gibbes Match
Father Henry White New
Mother Francis White New
Children Hiram White

If the info on the documentation referenced to this one is correct, this Hiram's wife was Mary King, not Sarah King and not my Tabitha King. So the two Hirams are definitely different people, just happened to be married to King women.

This being said, this means the two Hiram White profiles should never be merged. There is obviously documentation for this Hiram to his father John and his grandfather Lt. Col. Henry White, so definitely not my line there.

The only thing I still have in question about my Hiram's line is whether the photo is my Hiram or this other Hiram. Since the photo was first posted in 2014 for my Hiram and only just today added to the other Hiram's profile, I'm leaning toward it believing it must be his photo and not the photo of the Hiram who isn't my ancestor.

1/12/2020 at 9:14 AM

The document I found that last info from Ancestry is from North America, Family Histories, 1500-2000 D
Daughters of the American Revolution
Lineage Book : NSDAR : Volume 161 : 1920

1/12/2020 at 9:26 AM

Correction: I stated above that the Hiram b. 1801 was son of Lt. Col. Henry White, I mean to say he is his grandson. Hiram b. 1801 was the son of John W. White. My Hiram's father is also named John, another similarity, but they're not the same John.

However, in tracing the Hiram b. 1801 out in Geni, the connections up his line have him as a descendant of this Isaac White and his wife Mary Ann Ewell, who ARE my direct ancestors and have duplicated profiles up this line. Here is the duplicate on Isaac:

Isaac White I

Here is the profile for Isaac as connected to my line:

Isaac White I

I don't know if Hiram b. 1801 is actually a descendant of the Isaac White that is showing up both our lines or if that is another confused connection on his lines. If they are related, that would explain why so many same names, just down different branches of the same family.

1/12/2020 at 9:30 AM

In researching on all this, I see there are multiple profiles for Mary Ann Ewell White, wife of the Isaac White mentioned above:

1/12/2020 at 9:32 AM

I haven't seen anything confirming Isaac's name as Isaac John White. The only reason I can tell it's the same person is the wife Mary Ann Ewell White being the same.

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