Theodor Emanuel Gerhardt - Date of Death? Did Theodor emigrate to U.S.?

Started by Kim Combs on Monday, July 6, 2020
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7/6/2020 at 9:42 AM

The most recent record I have is the 1855 census showing him in Randers with his parents, which was found on I am descended from his older (only) brother, Emilius Thorvald Gerhardt, who emigrated to the U.S. approximately 1850 (he is shown on the 1850 Danish census).

Emilius married a Mary Mahoney (from Cork Co., Ireland) in Manhattan, NY, 1 Oct 1863. In 1865, they settled in Galveston, TX, where they lived out their lives. Three of their 7 children survived to adulthood - John Edward, Emilius Theodore and Anna Dorthea. The other children were named Patrick, Mary, Theodore and Francis Wigo. I know Francis was born and died in Galveston, but not sure about the others. Regardless, in the U.S. census of 1880, only the 3 surviving children listed above are shown.

I've always wondered if possibly Theodore emigrated to the U.S., especially as of 1858, both of his parents had died. Theodore only would've been 20 years old.

Any info would be appreciated.

Kim Combs
Pasadena, TX, US

8/19/2020 at 2:38 PM

Hello Kim.
Sorry I haven't answered, but it is summer and time to be outside.
One of the sisters of Theodor Emanuel Gerhardt, born 12. july 1838 was Johansine Gerhardt, born 24. november 1827. She was my great-grandmother on my mothers side of the family. They had 7 chidren, Johan Gerhardt born 14. may 1797 and wife Ane Dorthea, born Schrøder, about 1795.

I and especially my wife, Birgit, who has done most of the work trying to find roots of the family, have followed the Gerhardt family census paper up to 1845 when they still lived in Nyboder. In the danish sources you can't search the name, but have to know where the persons lived and then search in the churchbooks or other census. So we have not searched much for all 7 children but concentraded on my great-grandmother.

I don't know if Theodor Emanuel immigrated. He had 5 sisters in Denmark, so maybee he stayed here. In 1858 you were adult in the age of 20 years. We haven't found where and when he died, if he was married or had children.

Johansine married 24. may 1856 in Taarnby church carpenter Niels Pedersen Høstgaard, born 10. september 1830 in Otting, Viborg, died 07. may 1903 in Copenhagen. Se died 08. august 1902 under a visit in Elsinore. Present were her son in law, Alfred Jensen. When sie died she was seperated/divorced from Niels Pedersen Høstgaard.

Her daughter, my grandmother, Augusta Caroline Høstgaard, born 03. february 1866, died 01.june 1936, married Joseph Waldemar Sennefelder.

Johansine and Niels Pedersen Høstgaard got 6 children. 1 boy died after 5 days, and 5 daughters survived.

Augusta Caroline Ludovica Høstgaard and Joseph Waldemar Sennefelder, backer, got 12 children. The youngest, Maria Laurentia Sennefelder, born 01. july 1909, died 16. december 1983, married Nielsen, was my mother.
She and my father, Bernhard Rasmus Nielsen, born 17. june 1901, died 12. january 1984, only got 1 child, me, Torkild Frode Nielsen, born 28. april 1940.

After I married my wife, Birgit Kastrup, born 31. march 1945 I added her last name, and
my present name is: Torkild Frode Kastrup Nielsen. We mostly only us the last name Kastrup.
We have 2 girls, 2 sons in law and 5 grandchildren.

I hope you have got a little history from the family.

Torkild Kastrup
Ganloese 25 km from Copenhagen, Denmark

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