RASHI רש״י - Someone connected Rashi to King David

Started by Haim WARTSKI,HACOHEN on Wednesday, August 12, 2020
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8/12/2020 at 1:02 PM

Someone connected Rashi to King David.
He has made mistakes in many places, Cut many generations, and unfortunately, the whole branch is now a branch taken from the world of fantasies and imaginations, and that person has hit the family tree of many thousands of people (me among them),

Why do people do such a thing ???

And I will repeat what Naftali Wakstein said to me: Rashi is a descendant of King David through his mother (Rashi himself wrote about it), but regarding his father: 22 generations between Joshua Zimri and Hillel the Elder are unknown.
Naftali told me that if anyone presents a list with the names of the people, it is a fake list.
In addition, in this case it is clear that the whole connection is neither not real nor realistic

I just wanted to say Thank you 😊 for all the information ❤️.

8/13/2020 at 10:30 AM

Thanks for that
I am not who connected me to King David.
I dont think that I am related through Rashi's wife.
Thanks for your hard work.

Private User
8/14/2020 at 6:07 AM

Not all hope is lost. One day the tomb of David may appear and a dna sample may then tell us who around today descends patrilineally from David. :-)

8/14/2020 at 6:30 AM

Private User
A few months ago, Naftali Wakstein told me that he had received interesting information about the connection between Rashi and King David:
Several years ago, the researchers believed that there was a mistake in the connection between Rashi's father and King David, because they believed that one of the ancestors was childless. Now the researchers came to the conclusion that this ancient father had a daughter,and
Indeed, Rashi's father was a descendant of King David
Regarding Rashi's mother: As I wrote, Rashi himself wrote that she was a descendant of King David, but not all 22 names between Joshua Zimri and Hillel the Elder are known, and of course the connection that that person composed is an invalid and full of mistakes
I saw that
@Yigal Burstein
Worked hard and settled the matter, and I thank him very much!!!

It is a pity that people destroy hard work that other people have done just to connect themselves and their family to create a "pedigree" for themselves.

Private User
8/14/2020 at 8:02 AM

As I recall, David had a number of wives and children with many of them. There is so much genealogical work to be done!

8/14/2020 at 8:18 AM

Private User
True, King David had several wives, and his son Solomon had 1,000 wives (I guess most were not really his wives)
From what I know in Judaism only legal women are treated.
From what I know (and I was able to verify) my whole branch is from King David and Bat sheva, through his son king Solomon and Queen Naama the Ammonite.
I talked to many of my family members, both close and distant relatives, all of whom said the same thing, and I verified with Naftali Wakstein (about us being descendants of King David)
It is clear that working on such a huge branch is an almost impossible task

8/14/2020 at 9:08 AM

Thank you for this explanation!
Odile Dreyfuss

8/15/2020 at 10:39 PM

Odile Dreyfuss
My father told that we are relatives of the Dreyfuss family.
According to geni you and I are distant cousins (10), it is impossible that my father knew about cousins so far, so it can be assumed that the relationship is closer (perhaps through my grandfather where the information I have is little), do you have information that can enlighten my eyes?

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