Ridoredh de Bretagne, Comte de Nantes et Vannes - Were Ridoredh and his father murdered together?

Started by Lynn Thompson on Wednesday, August 19, 2020
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8/19/2020 at 12:31 PM

I notice that Ridoredh's date of death is shown as 12 November 857. This is also the same date on which his father, Erispoë, was murdered by Saloman and Armarchus at the altar of a church in Talensac. Was Ridoredh present at this murder, and was he also killed by them? I cannot find anything telling me this.

Erispoë had only two legitimate children, a son named Conan and a daughter whose name has been lost to history. So nothing that talks about Erispoë mentions Ridoredh, yet he is listed as Ridoredh's father here.

5/11/2022 at 8:37 PM

Wikipedia has his father listed dfiferently:


Rivallo IV, Prince of Brittany, Earl of Poher, (died Nov 12, 857), was a son of Saint Salomon, or Salaün, King of Brittany.[1]

Granted, there's not much there...but mentioning since the post above from 2020 was questioning the connectedion of Ridoredh to Erispoe.

5/11/2022 at 8:38 PM

And this site says his parentage is unknown:


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