Josef Halmy von Halmi (Deutsch de Halom) - Könyv a Halmy családról

Started by Gábor Kiss on Sunday, November 22, 2020
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11/22/2020 at 5:05 AM

Üdvözlök mindenkit, aki ezt a kis bejegyzést olvassa!

Kiss Gábor vagyok, vecsési tanár. Könyvet írok a vecsési Halmy Deutsch családról, ezért minden apró adatnak nagyon örülök. Ha van valakinél ilyen, kérem, ossza meg velem, ha nem okoz gondot! Cserében én is sok érdekességgel tudok szolgálni.

Kiss Gábor

Private User
11/22/2020 at 7:30 PM

Nem beszélek magyarul, ezért angolul fogok írni.

I wish you success in your book.
I researched some on the Wolfner family some time ago. The bluebloods of the family as my grandmother used to say. They got their nobility title from emperor Franz Josef possibly from their factory used in producing armament or even before. It is interesting to see a Jewish family get a nobility title and very progressive from the emperor. Tivadar Wolfner had his factory in Ujpest and it is hard to find if he and his family were used as pawns by the germans to procure money from Jewish organizations. One of his sons was a racecar driver.
I got conflicting information if anyone from the family survived the war. You can also see from the tree that they married other Jewish nobility.
Since Josef Halmy was from the Deutsch family I found that I am also related through my grandfather's side (the Lorians). This branch is very extensive and goes to the original Deutsch last name (meaning German) that came from the Ashkenazee last name (meaning German in Hebrew).
Please let us know any information you find and I am sure that I or others in the discussion group will to help you in your research.

Best Regards,

Abraham Fainsod

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