Leah Wheatley (Saunders) - Data Conflict Needs Curator to Resolve (Information for MP appears to be the correct information)

Started by Keri Denise Jackson, ♊ Twin "A", GEDMATCH GQ346442C1 on Monday, January 25, 2021
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Managers of Leah Wheatley,

I am contacting you about this profile: Leah Wheatley

curator please resolve, locked fields.


Keri Denise Jackson, ♊ Twin "A", GEDMATCH GQ346442C1

What are you contacting for?? What is the proof that you have that the locked fields are incorrect?


Dean Richard Hobart

Just in case that came out defensive (I didn't lock the fields).. but when fields get locked, they are supposed to be because there is supposed to be proof. When a conflict comes up, it is up to the person providing the new info to show why the locked info is wrong. That is the whole point of keeping the conflicting info on the profile until someone resolves it conclusively. You want to have on the profile as many conflicts that come up in regular researching of that person, so a consensus can be reached as to which is more likely.

In many instances, it will never be resolved. For example, much of the "official" sources you find for early vital records of Boston up until the 1750s change from Old Style to New Style can be off by up to 3 years and still supposed to be the same individual.

This was because the man in charge of transcribing those handwritten records in the early 1800s had 3 assistants. 2 of them made the calendar changes in dates prior to giving him the info, but they didn't do all of them,, and the other didn't do any of them (which is the way they were all supposed to work).. and the man then thought none of them did, so he went on the adjust all the dates prior to 1750.. So depending on when during the period that person's dates were, most of dates between Jan 1 and Mar 25 can be off by up to 3 years.

So when you come across profiles for people that would have been affected, you know that if the family groups match but the dates are off slightly, there is a good chance that the profile has the "official" info that the people creating the profiles found... although you won't know what the "correct" dates are unless you review the original hand written documents... many of which don't exist anymore because they were copied in the early 1800s because they were on paper and didn't last.

Dean Richard Hobart

I'm not saying that they are incorrect. I am only saying that it needs to be decided which is correct. Actually I believe they are correct. There is a data conflict that needs to be resolved and with locked fields it falls to the curator to resolve. Mike told me that. But some curators are too busy so I address all managers because I do not know who all the curators are. :)

Keri Denise Jackson, ♊ Twin "A", GEDMATCH GQ346442C1

That isn't the way it is supposed to work. GENI is a collateral database management project, which is a permanent work in progress. The conflicts should remain until one is verified. The locked field prevents any changes until that happens.

You are welcome to research it if you are needing a conclusion, otherwise the responsibility falls to the person who needs the info.

Like I said, there are a number of items that will be permanent conflicts, and the best is to have each of them listed and why they are different.

Dean Richard Hobart

The conflicts should be noted in the about section. Then the one believed to be more accurate should be used. If a curator locks the field then they are responsible for either unlocking the field so someone can change the information if it is needed or correcting it themselves. That is what I was told by Mike. I would not send a request if it was not locked, otherwise I would just fix it myself. :) To clarify, we are all responsible for the tree but key holders are responsible for whatever locks they place in the tree. However, we have the right to request certain reasonable corrections (especially Pro Members) for ancestors to at least the 20th generation. What I am requesting is not unreasonable at all and takes less than 5 minutes in most cases. Thank you for responding even though I don't think you are a curator as I was trying to address. Or are you? I think I am going to move this to a discussion. :)

Keri Denise Jackson, ♊ Twin "A", GEDMATCH GQ346442C1

Maybe I misunderstood your initially response. You had said that you didn't have any proof that the data that was locked was wrong, only that there was a conflict and you wanted the curator to research it and make any changes.

That isn't what curators are supposed to be doing unless they want to do that. The conflicting data should remain until someone provides proof of the correct one. Read the GENI FAQ.

The best would be to create a Project and resolve it.

Have a great 2021.

Dean Richard Hobart

Would you please look at the conflict before wasting time writing all this? It is the same information just different wording. Would take one second to fix. I don't ask curators to research anything. In this situation only a curator can approve and remove the conflict. Also a curator should not lock something unless they want that responsibility. If you are a curator please take one second to remove it. Please and thank you.

Keri Denise Jackson, ♊ Twin "A", GEDMATCH GQ346442C1

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