Looking for information on ROBERT CLEUR

Начала Ghislaine Fernandes воскресенье, 28 февраля 2021
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28.2.2021 в 7:44 до полудня

This was his obituary notice in 1868....."January 4th, at Quilon, Robert Cleur, pensionod Judge, Travancore Government, aged 68 years, 8 months and 25 days. deeply regretted by a large family, relatives and friends"

He was the 2nd judge of the Zillah court and was a Christian. How can I find any information on him?

10.3.2021 в 2:25 после полудня

I believe that he married Domicillia Leticia de Lemos in 1828. They had four children to my knowledge: Victoria (born 28 Nov 1837) who married Eusieppe Pinto, my great grand father; Charles Theophilus (born 4 May 1836) who married Elizabeth Mary Beale; and Hilda. Best Regards Neil Pinto

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