Sarah Elizabeth (Mason) James - Daughter of Col. George Mason?

Started by Private User on Saturday, March 6, 2021
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Private User
3/6/2021 at 8:13 AM

Per the profile notes, I've cut the prospective mothers that we were attached to this profile.

In reading the "About," it looks like the father is questioned as well. Does anyone have definitive sources for this connection? If not, we can disconnect the father as well and lock the relationships to prevent further contenders from being added without evidence.

3/6/2021 at 11:58 AM

In my research of the aforementioned George Mason line, I have not come across any "proof" that Sarah Elizabeth was his daughter (either thru Mary French or Francis Norgrave. It was George Mason II that deeded land to Thomas & Mary Barbee (which I believe is due to his friendship with neighbor Andrew Barbee and nothing to do with George Mason I) There is some speculation that another unrelated George Mason in Virginia was the father...but I have not yet found anything to support this. Thus, I think any relationship involving George Mason I and his descendants is purely speculative at this time.

My research indicates that Sarah was born around 1670 and married Thomas James (1675-1726) after the death of husband Andrew Barbee. I have not found any indication that she was born earlier and/or married a John James. Sarah & Thomas had 3 children...George, John, & Thomas II. Thomas James (1675-1726) parents were, I believe, John James and Elizabeth Underwood, but I need to do more research on this.

I would gladly like to review any documentation that indicates Sarah was born prior to 1670 and died in 1720 or had any connection to John James.

Private User
3/6/2021 at 12:22 PM

The idea that she was born in 1658 seems to be based solely on George Mason I and Mary French marrying before that year. So it's a date proposed by proponents of the theory that she was their child.

3/6/2021 at 6:08 PM

Sorry, I have done no research on that line. Wish I could help more.
Mark F. Pierce

3/7/2021 at 11:15 PM

Since 2006 I have collected a lot of Internet postings and since 2012 I have been noting the descents of my now 7500 autosomal DNA matches in my pedigrees. The chance that Sarah and Frances Mason are the daughters of Mary French seems to be very low, but the chance that Frances widow Norgrave was a sister or cousin of Mary French has a degree of possibility.
The recurrence of matches of French decent in my match list is a strong indication. The matches of people of Strothers decent plays a role here too, as I have found no indication yet of a Strothers among my ancestry, but there are French/Strothers connections.
I would be a lot further along with this, if more of my matches would fill out their Gedcom pedigrees at FTDNA. As it is, most trees are too short and I have to do a lot of guesstimating, and many list ancestral names without bothering to write a Gedcom

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