What is your Y

Started by Paul Jackson on Tuesday, March 30, 2021
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I am part of a project on Family Tree DNA and one finding is that we may have originated on the Isle of Islay. Since we are trying to confirm our location in history it is possible we are also Dal Riatans originally. What is your Y group? Most of us in the group have taken our Big Y tests in Family Tree.

From current testing R-L1065

Have you done the Big Y test? L1065 and its predecessor L1335 are indicative of being in the Scots Modal. Everyone in the Family Tree DNA project is a part of it. But I know that my tree extends 9 markers beyond L1065. It could be that L1065 is your terminal marker.
From what I have seen on the internet. the original location of the L1065 marker has not been determined. Do you have any other evidence that you are Dal Riata?

Paul Jackson

Hi Paul,

The Dal Riata Vs. Pictish marker is a hotly debated topic but I am in the camp of a Dal Riatan origin for my family. My Big Y test is as follows S744>Y16858>BY23356>BY165842. Our surname of "Ashby" was adopted in 1714 Virginia but we have discovered a solid connection to the McCutcheon Clan by way of a distant Scottish Cousin with the surname "Hutcheson". This surname dates back to Dal Riata and was likely given to my ancestors who immigrated from Antrim to Argyll then eventually up to Inverness.

Once again there are intense debates around Scotti Vs. Picts Vs. Cruthin/Dal Ritatian origin of our group...the truth is that no one can accurately say.

Many claim that Y16858 is connected to Cenél Loairn, which was named for it's founder Loarn Mac Eirc....son of Erc of Dal Riata who hailed from Ulster

That sounds like better confirmation of being Dal Riata.

Mine departs from your at S744. S744>FGC28985>FGC28995>FGC93404>FGC28994>R-BY184054>R-BY183939>R-BY184286

I am a part of the Clan MacFarlane project in Family Tree DNA. It appears that our group was on the Isle of Islay, which is between Ireland and the Scottish mainland. Do you know anything about S744? I will have to do some research on it.

S744 is an extremely large group and most agree it formed around 300AD....which +/- 200 years would land us right in the time period of Dal Riata....AND most people place the branching of this SNP in Argyll, which once again points to Dal Riata.

I haven't necessarily heard any popular theories on the founder of this SNP but here is a great tool to search the most recent data on SNPs:


type in s-744 and make sure to explore all tabs, especially the counties tab.

Thank you!

Sorry for the delay not certain how I missed this via email or notification.

My terminal BIG Y Haplogroup is R-FT127368

Again, I'd like to contribute here. I come from an unbroken line of males all the way back to Crinan the Thane's father. (I haven't traced all of his ancestors yet) but Crinan was 100% Irish Dalriata and was king over the Picts, but I don't see anywhere in the line after the year 987 A.D. where there was an actual declaration of intermarrying with the pics.

The only thing that has my curiosity, is that George Washington had "reddish" brown hair.. and red hair is indicative of Pictish genes. That's the only clue I've got to go on, non DNA-wise. ~

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