William Carter - Mary being the Carter kids mother

Started by Private User on Wednesday, April 28, 2021
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Private User
4/28/2021 at 4:36 AM

The great granddaughter of Mary doesn't think the Carter kids are Mary's. I put them under a temp mother until the mother can be confirmed with a reasonable accuracy.

Private User
4/28/2021 at 1:53 PM

"Here's a copy of the Confederate Pension Grandma Carter received.  A veteran and her husband is William Booker Carter.  You will also find him listed in the 1890 census for military people in Grayson County Texas.  My father was born in Grayson County Texas in 1895 and his mother is Doney Wright Fuller Holmes Wells who was 15 years old at his birth.  I can not find a marriage license for Doney Wright and Fay Perser.

Those Carter children are not listed in Mary Etta Muncy's obitz nor were they ever discuss within the family.  Therefore, Mary Carter show on 1900 US Census in Mississippi is NOT the same Mary Etta Carter who traveled from Texas in 1897 to Indian Territory.  Both Doney and John Thomas Wright were married in Indian Territory."

5/3/2021 at 11:52 PM

On May 1, 2021, I sent Eric a copy of a document showing Mary E Carter who requested a Confederate Civil War pension from Oklahoma in 1915. Below are the notable conflict of information between the two individuals... Mary E Carter and Mary Etta Muncy Wright Carter both living in Oklahoma in 1915.

1. William B Carter died in August 1863 or1865 in Alabama just four to six years after Mary Etta Muncy Wright Carter was born in 1859.
2. Mary E Carter was 80 years old in 1915 when she submitted the request. My Great Grandmother Mary Etta Muncy Wright Carter was 56 years old in 1915.
3. Mary E Carter married William B Carter in August 1854....in Mississippi......five years before Mary Etta Muncy Wright Carter was born (1859 in Iowa).
4. Mary E Carter lived in Oklahoma for 23 years. My Mary Etta Muncy Wright Carter left Grayson Texas around 1897 so the time she spent living in Oklahoma was 18 years.
All of the above related information on Mary E Carter was taken off of this form.... Part B..."For Use of Widows of Confederate Soldiers Who Are In Indigents Circumstances; No. 288.
Until I found this document, I did not know there was two Mrs. William Carter living in Oklahoma.

Mary Etta Muncy Wright Carter stated her husband died about a year or two after they moved to Oklahoma in 1897. So William Booker Carter who died in Alabama in 1863 or 1865 during the Civil War is NOT the same William Carter who was married to Mary Etta Muncy Wright Carter.

One last question, why would Mary Etta Muncy Wright Carter be taking care of any Carter children who born between 1854 and 1865? She lived with her parents until she marrying CC Wright in 1877. The Wright family shows up on the 1880 US Census in Cass County Missouri. So by 1885 all of those Carter kids born between 1854 and 1865 were of legal age or older than 20 years old.

ERIC.....PLEASE POST THE ATTACHMENT I SENT YOU ON MAY 1, 2021.......SO IT WOULD BE EASIER FOR PEOPLE TO UNDERSTAND WHAT I'M SAYING. Also share this document with the individual who connect William Booker Carter to my Great Grandmother.

Marilyn Sunseri

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