Ann Foster - Quit removing Ann Foster as wife of Andrew Foster II

Started by Beverly Renee Hallman Marsh, Gedmatch Kit #XK9447597 on Saturday, May 8, 2021
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I dont know who keeps disconnecting Ann as the wife of Andrew Foster from my lines, but please stop it!! This makes the 3rd time I have reconnected her. I believe this is being done because she was an accused witch and someone has issue with it. Just stop it!!!

5/8/2021 at 7:02 PM

No one has remove Ann Foster, the profile is right here: Ann Foster
You are a manager of this profile. There's no reason to create a 2nd profile of Ann Foster.

Johnathan, that is because for the third time i had to reconnect to my line again yesterday. Someone keeps disconnecting from my line. Erica just merged it again last week. Was disconnected again when i got on yesterday. I fixed yesterday again.

And now she is showing as my 9th great grandfathers wife instead of 9th great grandmother...suppose i will have to wait on another merge.

5/9/2021 at 11:36 AM

Fixed, and locked so hopefully the tree doesn’t get out of sorts again.

Private User
5/9/2021 at 3:23 PM

Erica: Appreciate your making genealogical things and Ann foster [ My 9th great-Grandmother] secure. I definitely respect your genealogical professionalism ! I always strived my best to get things correct and have much respect for honest history. The best of luck to all you hard working genealogists. Respectfully Yours Edson.

5/9/2021 at 3:36 PM

This woman is a very special ancestor to have, and he end was such a tragedy. But she died so all of you who descend could live.

Thank you so much Erica!

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