Geni No Longer Gives Search Results

Начала Mary Anne Barker суббота, 8 мая 2021
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8.5.2021 в 7:23 после полудня

I have reported this to Geni, repeatedly, and only receive a generic message that pretty much is saying that I do not understand their website and relationship with My Heritage.
I have been on Geni since 2019, and on My Heritage since August, 2020. I recently tried the Geni Pro trial membership, but found that I no longer received any search results from Geni. All of my searches were simply marked "result not found," and I was offered a button to click to send me to the Super Searches on My Heritage I already am on My Heritage, with a premium account. It is where I had my dna test done.
When I canceled the trial with My Geni because I felt that I no longer had it as a separate resource from My Heritage, it continued to not search for anyone that I entered, including myself, people that I had entered on the site, etc. It still only immediately says "result not found," and immediately refers me back to the same button to go to My Heritage.
I have tried to report this to Geni as a bug, but only receive the same automatic response. Has anyone else had this problem, or does Geni just not allow basic members to make searches any longer? Thank you for any help that you can offer.

8.5.2021 в 7:59 после полудня

Can you give an example?

How are you reporting it to Geni, as I understand Help tickets are not a feature available to Basic members.

If Geni's search engine stopped working it would affect everyone, the only difference between how the search engine works for a Basic (free) member and PRO (paying) members is that PRO members can access any profile that is returned in the search results while Basic members are limited to accessing only profiles they themselves manage (or profiles managed by users with whom that user is collaborating).

8.5.2021 в 8:07 после полудня

Just for a random example I typed the name Tom Kandler into the box at the top of this page and hit Enter.

There are 6 profiles in the search results, the first one looks like it might be a coincidence, the second two look like relatives of yours entered by another user, the last two are profiles managed by you.

You should be able to access the last two by cliicking on their names inn blue, the middle two you may be able to access, the top one if you try to access it should take you two an invitation pay for Geni membership.

Nothing you do on Geni should result in an invitation to go to My Heriitage. The only way that I am aware of to get from Geni to MyHeritage is by pressing the Research This Person button on the individual geni profile page, this gets you to the SuperSearch results.

Private User
9.5.2021 в 8:31 после полудня

Alex - Just out of curiosity, I typed Tom Kandler in the search box -- it claims 6 people were pulled -- but only shows me 5.
The top 3 are all claimed profiles, the bottom of those 3 was added by Mary in April 2021.
The bottom 2 profiles private profiles managed by Mary.
I also notice there is no path found to Mary, nor to 4 of the 5 results for Tom Kandler that I saw.
Any idea why it would say 6 people but only show me 5? Does it still show you 6?

Mary - are you talking about searches on Geni where you typed a name in the Search Box in the upper right and hit enter?
I just tried a garbage letter combination for that, which it unsurprisingly could not find - but it did not give the message you report.
Where results would usually be, there was a line saying "No results found. Try changing your search criteria."

9.5.2021 в 10:31 после полудня

Private User I didn't actually absorb the fact that the results page states 6 but only lists 5, odd but not likely anything to do with what Mary is seeing.

10.5.2021 в 2:43 после полудня

I did receive the "bug" tickets with responses from Geni that said that I could not report bugs. To clarify my problem, when I go to Geni and select "search," I am given all of the normal blanks or boxes to fill in. When I put anyone's name in the blanks and hit the button to search, the website immediately pops up with a "no results found. . ." response, and offers to send me to a Super Search (which is on My Heritage). It does not search for anyone that I enter. If I go to my family tree and click on anyone, including my brother (Tom Kandler), the system cannot find him. It cannot find me, either.
This bothers me because when I upgraded to the Geni Pro, with hopes to have another source for finding family members, the searches worked, and they previously worked with the Geni Basic. I did the trial of Geni Pro, and did not find anything new, so I did not continue with Geni Pro. I was adopted as a child (now 57), and am trying to find a biological father or his family. I do not plan to contact that family. I was an older child when adopted, so I know my mother's family and have researched it well.
Since leaving the Geni Pro, none of my searches work. All of my searches take me to the "no results found. . . " message. I don't know if this is a glitch or some function of downgrading back to the Geni Basic version. One way or the other, I can't search on Geni and I cannot enter a "bug" ticket. If I rejoin Geni, it will cost to do so, and I already pay for the upgrades/premiums on other sites, with Ancestry being the most expensive. I am on My Heritage (where I had my dna done) with the premium package, 23 & Me, Living DNA, FTDNA, Wikitree, FamilySearch, Ancestry (with the premium package), Geni (previously on the Geni Pro), and others that I can't even remember. Geni just gave me a different place to search, and occasionally it did have someone that I did not find elsewhere. I suppose that I have not lost much, but it does bother me that I formerly could use the site and I no longer can. If it isn't resolved, I'lll just close the account. Thank you for your help!

10.5.2021 в 3:39 после полудня

Mary Anne Barker my suggestion would be to try using the Search People box at the top of this screen rather than "going to Search", it took me a minute to even work out what "going to Search" means as in 10 years on Geni I don't think I've ever seen that screen.

As I said yesterday if I type "Tom Kandler" in the Search People box then I get 5 search results.
When Lois did the same thing she also got 5 results. I don't see any logical reason why you would not also get 5 results as there is no restriction on Basic users making searches. There may be an issue with the way "going to Search" functions which I am not aware of, could you please try an experiment with the Search People box at the top of the screen.

10.5.2021 в 3:41 после полудня

Private User RE 5 vs 6, I am advised that there has been a merge on one of these profiles which has an out standing data conflict so the 6th result is a ghost statistic that won't disappear until the data conflict is resolved.

Private User
10.5.2021 в 3:46 после полудня

Alex - Where do I find that "going to Search" screen? I have been on Geni since 2007 and I have never seen it, this is the first I have heard of it.

Private User
10.5.2021 в 3:49 после полудня

Found it -- under Research. How long has it been there?

10.5.2021 в 5:39 после полудня

Thanks to everyone! When I use the little search box near the top of the screen the Geni website does indeed search. This is not how I searched in the past, as I used the “Research” pull down menu, which allowed for very specific searches (dates, locations, etc.). I don’t know why that no longer works, but the small search box does so I’m fine with that. Thank you so very much!!!! Mary Anne

10.5.2021 в 6:16 после полудня

You're very welcome Mary.

Once you are on the results page look for "Advanced Search", from memory it is grey text next to the words Search Results.
Clicking on it will toggle a filter menu to the left of screen which you can use to narrow down results. A word of warning though that the filters don't work the best for locations.

Also, for anyone else reading along, the screen layouts i describe above are for PC only as phone or tablet may display slightly differently.

11.5.2021 в 12:55 до полудня

Thank you again! I had previously always used the pull down menu under "Research" on the main top bar. I had not used the small search box at the very top of the screen, as I thought it would search for too many people with the same name and not be specific enough. I still don't know why the "search" in the Research menu stopped working for me, but as long as the website will work in some fashion then I am happy with it again. Thanks to everyone who contributed, especially Alex, as my problem has been resolved. Mary Anne

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