The history of Kannat Thope family tree starts from the 19th century. The build up of this family tree were based on informations gathered from various senior members of the Kannat family. However at the time when I got these informations, there are chances that they may not be very accurate; so, any better suggestions are always welcome from the members of this family group.
Some where in 1828 a group of Namboodiri families had come down from Mannarasala to settle in the South. There are four versions of different thoughts of how one of the Nambudiri Lady of that family got married to an outside cast Ezhava man.
Version-1: According to myth those days Namboodiri ladies were not allowed to go out of their house and wander around. One day one of the lady had happened to serve drinking water to a stranger (Ezhaven) passing by to quench his thirst. Since she had gone against their rules, the senior male members of that family had decided to get her married to the same man whom she had offered water. As it was believed that no other Namboodiri men would come forward to marry her. So this lady had to get married to this outside cast Ezhava man.
Version-2: Those days the Namboodiri men used to have many ladies as their wives. Even at their old age, seeing a young beautiful girl, they get the desire and marry them. Upon their death these young ladies were free to leave the house or to stay. The ones who left could get married only to an out side cast people including the Ezhavas.
Version-3: It was believed that those Namboodiri ladies were quite good looking. Attracted towards their beauty the out side cast men (including Ezahava) would forcibly take these ladies and get married to them.
Verson-4: A Namboodiri lady if convicted for adultery, would be send out of the family and eventually get married to an out side cast men including the Ezahavas.