Leopold Beer Winter - Questions about Leopold Beer Winter

Started by Private User on Saturday, July 17, 2021
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  • Private User
    Geni Pro

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Private User
7/17/2021 at 7:59 AM

(1) There are two famiiliant records that cite a Leopold Winter of Radenín.

(a) Kniha 147, image 19, familiant no. 8628, which cites Leopold, b. 1812, as a younger bother of the familiant Abraham, b. 1804. (https://photos.geni.com/p13/c6/51/c4/af/5344485f2924d896/familiant_...) This record does not identify Leopold as a familiant.

(b) In the record for familiant no. 8647, Leopold Winter himself is the familiant (https://photos.geni.com/p13/09/4f/2a/cc/534448437c27c19c/leopoldwin...).

Is it certain that these pertain to the same Leopold Winter?

(2) What is the source of the attribution to Leopold of the middle name "Beer"? The only middle name that I find attributed to Leopold Winter in a document is "Löwi," in document (b).

(3) In document (b), the given name of Leopold Winter's wife is "Amalia," not "Theresie." (Her birth surname is "Kuh" in either case.) What is the source for attributing to him a wife named Theresie? Are these two names for the same person?

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