If Somerton Man has H4a1a1a mtDNA

Started by Private User on Tuesday, July 20, 2021
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Private User
7/20/2021 at 5:53 AM

My Maternal DNA group is H4a1a1a and when I look at the family trees of my DNA matches who share H4a1a1a I see that their ancestors come from Karelia, which used to be part of Finland, but is now part of Russia since the 1920s (I think).

7/20/2021 at 6:58 AM

Yes, this was gained from a hair sample retrieved from the plaster cast a few years ago. It only yielded mt DNA. Hopefully SA Police will get a complete DNA sequence to narrow down the search for relatives

7/20/2021 at 11:12 AM

Thanks Robert. That is interesting and worth reporting on the other Somerton Man blog sites. It was once reported that SM had Eastern European dental work (a tooth filling I think) so Karelia is quite plausible.

Private User
7/21/2021 at 6:15 AM

I should have mentioned that it was the family trees of my Finnish mtDNA matches that had ancestors from Karelia. Also, descendants of those ancestors tended to migrate up the eastern border of Finland to towns as far north as Ilomantsi. People from eastern Finland usually had surnames ending with the suffixes, -in, -ainen, or -nen.

Private User
7/21/2021 at 6:36 AM

0.9% (nearly 1%) of Finnish people share the H4a1a1a haplogroup.

7/21/2021 at 7:43 AM

Thanks. I wonder if H4a1a1a is more specific to one ehnic group or to all Finnic ethic sub groups equally? Being that some groups might not of migrated as much as others.

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