Aryeh Zeev Kagan - A plethora of additions and some modifications

Started by Private User on Thursday, September 2, 2021
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  • Private User
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Private User
9/2/2021 at 3:35 PM

I found many records of the Chafetz Chaim's family (mainly revision lists) and used these to construct the family's tree wherever information was missing, and modified existing information when I was fairly certain that my information was more accurate.

I added a number of children of Aryeh Zev. Based on this, I made 2 significant changes. One is that I changed Aryeh Zev's father to Yossel/Yosef instead of Israel Meir. This is due to records indicating his father as "Iosel" and that he had a brother named "Izrael".

The other is to change the date of Aryeh Zev's death from 1853 to 1856. This is based on his son Shimon being 18 in the 1874 revision list, and therefore born in 1856. Of course, this list could be wrong. The issue with this is that it means the Chafetz Chaim was 18 when his father died. And also, it would seem, that the Chafetz Chaim (at 17) married his first wife BEFORE his mother Dobrosha married his wife's father. I'm not sure that this is correct, but it seems more likely to me than the reverse order.

Also, Aryeh Zev appears to have been born in 1817, which means his son Aaron could not have been born in 1829

I believe the chain of Revisions Lists speak for themselves, but if anyone does review them and finds a mistake, I would be more than happy to hear from you.

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