DNA tests different than History Book and the new privacy law POPI act in South Africa restriction to family privacy a criminal thinh

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9/26/2021 at 5:39 PM


The POPI Act protects the personal information of living people who reside in South Africa. If anyone has posted your personal information to our site without your permission, please email us at privacy@geni.com and we will remove it. Note this would not include genealogical information about dead people, however we will consider your immediate family as well.

If there is incorrect information about your ancestors or anyone else for that matter, present your evidence and if it's sound (see https://help.geni.com/hc/en-us/articles/4405990597143-What-is-the-G... ), the information here can be corrected.

Threatening to bring criminal or legal action against our curators for simply documenting genealogy is wholly inappropriate.

Kind regards,

Mike at Geni

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