Curated and Master Profiles

Started by J P Weyers on Wednesday, September 29, 2021
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  • J P Weyers
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This applies to all over GENI .
74 curated MP profiles I came accross yesterday where the information was wrong .
Children born 4 years or 12 years before parents.
Dead people getting married .
2 year olds having children.
What does curate or MP actually mean then ?
Me descendant of Henry I King of France 17 inconsistencies!

That's because Geni is a wiki and people do stupid things out there all the time. The curators are voluntary and they do what they can, but we can't expect them to stay on top of every record that someone makes a mess of - and all of the implications that has throughout the tree. The only solution is to roll up your sleeves and work on the inconsistencies you've found yourself.

Oh gentle people I know I've made errors there because I wanted the organogram to line up those who came first and the ones following them correctly. I tried playing around birth dates but that got the better of me and that's why you will have children that are older than their parents I guess. I have not visited the site for a long time because my relatives could not come up with names of their families so I only have my family from my great grand farther. The correct dates that we know of are from my farther but before him I could not get actual dates. There are many gabs on my attempt but my relatives are not coming forth with information. I apologize to those following the geni for not updating the errors.

Lee - what does it mean to curate a profile ?
What does a MP profile really mean ?
I was under the impression a MP or curated profile has been checked and information confirmed.
We talking dead people giving birth and children born before parents . Easy things to confirm before you lock the profile .

3 of those it was actually the curator that did the " stupid thing ", so am I expected to clean up the mess she made ?

I can not roll up anything to correct a locked profile .

Moagi - I see we have roots in the same area .
Do not notice any glaring inconsistencies in the profiles you manage .
You are aware of the problem of d.o.b of children before that of parents and just always confirm dates or leave blank or circa.

Private Post links!

June you not to do it.
Have corrected so many d.o.b. and info sitting in the waiting room at hospital it's scary .
I want more to understand what the curating entails.
How it all works.
I left messages and hopefully all will be corrected

Terry corrected wrong info .

Lee Cahill I so agree.
Further to your explanation hundreds and millions of people are merging, adding, and when
Merging don't take the time or the decency to make sure that all conflicts get sorted out.

Phillipp, thank you for checking again as curators have to sort out so many mistakes and reverse incorrect merges, that many of us don't even get time to do research anymore.

As Private User suggested, please supply links. Again, sometimes getting to all the messages could take a few days.

Judi -- I do not mind correcting when I see an error we all work together but as you know - at your own peril -
Some people just do not like when one correct any valid mistakes on profiles they manage.

I corrected more than 500 errors I found on Geni profiles in the last week.
Made me think there are ordinary members , PRO members and curators that are actually guilty of not trying hard enough. Just rushing to the next profile.
I have immediately been going to profiles I manage to check on my own efforts.

As you say Judi " merging and not taking the time to make sure that all conflicts get sorted out ---- often curators guilty of this as well not just ordinary members .

Thank you Phillipp. Everybody quilty and all are hasty.


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