Musa Ibn Musa lbn Qasaw, Walí de Tudela y Huesca y Zaragoza - "ibn Qasaw" - wrong

Started by Sharon Elizabeth Richards on Friday, October 22, 2021
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10/22/2021 at 10:51 AM

name should be ibn Qasi....son of Casius.

From what I can tell, al Qasawi means "passed through Qasa, Palestine" which is not true - they were Visigothic converts to Islam originating in Spain. The Qasawi moniker appears to be an error. SR

Private User
10/23/2021 at 5:30 AM

Efectivamente, este medio hermano de Fortún era miembro del clan de los Casio que regentaban la zona Norte de Ebro, desde antes de la llegada de los Moros.

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