VadeMeCum Židovské kontrolní matriky NAD 144 for Morava

Started by Jan Fertig on Saturday, October 23, 2021
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10/23/2021 at 8:36 AM

The Moravian Židovské kontrolní matriky scans were available online some time ago on, then briefly on -- now, for the last few months, they seem to be nowhere.

The Czech Matrikas are there, just the Moravian ones are missing. For example, Leipnik books 968, 969, 970 used to be here:

Does anyone know where they can be found now?

10/23/2021 at 9:10 AM

Someone asked this question not long ago. And the response was : What was fond 241 on Badatelna is now at
Hope this helps,

10/23/2021 at 9:34 AM

Write to the Czech National Archive, complain. The transition from to is sad.

10/23/2021 at 9:36 AM

No because the the Moravian records are not in the HBM 241 at Vademecum as they were at HBM 241 at badatelna. I have written about this also at the Facebook group Czech Jewish Genealogy but so far no answer from people at the Narodni Arciv

10/23/2021 at 9:46 AM

Yes Kristina you are right. We have to write to the Narodni Archiv. During the summer when badatelna was closed down they were rather good in a few weeks to put both the fond 241 Czech records, the Familianten books and the marriage records on Vademecum. Now it seems as they other priorities.

10/23/2021 at 1:36 PM

Many (most/all?) of the Moravian HBM 241 scans already were online at the nacr vademecum site. The links, like the three in my original post, used to work for a short while after badatelna's demise.

I've emailed Narodni Archiv as well as Bach Systems (the software developer) each at least twice -- no response.

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