Alice Portman (Gross) - More details on the Gross-Sicherman ancestors

Started by Alex Revai on Thursday, November 18, 2021
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11/18/2021 at 1:08 PM

I'm the 2nd cousin of the late Alice Gross-Portman from her maternal (Sicherman) side. I have collected extensive research material both on the Sicherman and Gross (Grosz) ancestry. If anyone is interested, feel free to contact me at

11/21/2021 at 8:44 AM

Hi Alex
If you have it on a Gedcom file I will be glad to upgrade the tree

11/22/2021 at 10:03 AM

Shalom Aviad,
I'm happy to send you a GEDCOM file for the Gross-Siherman branch of my family tree. I could also send you the ancestry of Alice Gross-Portman in a PDF format, which includes my media files as well as active url links to the source information. However, I would prefer to send you the material to your email, as opposed to posting it here on Geni.
Best Regards,

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