Rev. Andrew Gardner - mistaken order of marriage

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Private User
Сегодня в 7:38 после полудня

The banner near the top of this page reads "Rev. Andrew Gardner is your 6th great grandmother's 1st husband." This is incorrect; he was her *second* husband; her first being Joseph Willard (1696-1723) -- Rev. Joseph Willard
Joseph Willard and Susannah Lynde were married in 1718. They had two sons -- William (1720-1804) and Joseph junior (1723-1799). All of this is correctly entered in the respective profiles.
After Joseph's murder at the hands of Indians in 1723, Susannah remarried, to Andrew Gardner, as shown here. Again, he was her *second* husband. So why it says that Andrew Gardner was her "1st husband" is beyond me.
Could a moderator ( take a look at this, and correct it somehow?
Thank you.

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