Alveradis van Hochstaden, erfdochter van het woudgraafschap Osning - Birth place / place of death of this profile (and other medieval profiles)

Начал Private User среда, 12 января 2022
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Private User
12.1.2022 в 7:38 до полудня

I see that the birth place and place of death of this person have once again been added. What primary source is there for the birth place and the place of death of the wife of Hendrik I of Cuijk? She will probably have lived in Cuijk, but which proof is there that she died there? Since we don't know anything about her death, in my opinion it is unwise to put any data in those fields. She might have died in her castle, but she could also have died somewhere completely else (while visiting towns other towns of the Land of Cuijk or other belongings, while visiting relatives who live somewhere else, etc. etc.). I would suggest not to put any place names in the birth place or death place field of a medieval profile unless there is solid sourcing, like the mentioning in a (near-)contemporary chronicle. You can do a best guess for a birth year or year of death, since you have the option to put an "approximately" remark there. But you cannot do a guess for a place name.

Willem Nabuurs

12.1.2022 в 7:50 до полудня

It ‘s omitted now

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