Re: Judith Bucknam m. Zaccheus Hill, c.1700
By Ramona Pekarek July 26, 2012 at 05:51:41
In reply to: Judith Bucknam m. Zaccheus Hill, c.1700
Paul Gifford 5/14/02
My ancestor, David Hill of Colchester VT, is possibly related:
John Whipple Hill. Genealogical notes of the Whipple-Hill families, together with fragmentary records of other families
ANCESTRY OF THE FAMILY OF Zaccheus and Susan L. (Whipple) Hill:
Zaccheus was twelve years of age, and went to reside with his kinsman, John Hill of Boston, who, with his brother Thomas, were distillers, and prominent in business and social life. Later, John retired, leaving Thomas to carry on the business, while he dealt largely in real estate. In 1734, he bought 173 acres of land in Newtown, now Newton ville, of Wm. Ward, and Zaccheus went there to reside. November 6, 1735, he married Mary Squier of Newtown. Unfortunately the early records were burned in 1770, so that dates of births of elder children born in Newtown can not be obtained.
Thomas Hill, a prosperous and thrifty Scotchman, moved to the north of Ireland, where he married. Owing to the oppression of the crown, which caused such large emigrations to America of the Scotch- Irish in the early part of the last century, his five sons came to America about 1720. These sons were JAMES, John, William, Zaccheus, and Robert. . . .
Zaccheus removed to Ashford to reside. December 4, 1752, Zaccheus Hill was elected highway- surveyor, and was a grandjuror in 1756. . . .
Thomas, in 1766, with others, bought a tract of land in Vermont. In 1777, he was living in Bromley (afterward Peru). In 1780, he bought land in Manchester, where he lived, after selling his Bromley property in 1782. He was a private in the Continental service, being called out in 1781 and again in 1782.
Records of the Governor and Council of the State of Vermont, Volume 6
from pages 47 and 48:
“We the subscribers, inhabitants of the Town of Colchester in the State of Vermont, and duly qualified and sworn as freemen of said State, do testify and say that we attended freemen’s meeting in said Colchester on the first tuesday of September 1813, and voted for the following persons as State officers for the year ensuing,…” page 47
“The undersigned,…” page 47
“… Thomas Hill, Colchester;…” page 48
The town of Colchester was organized in 1791, though the first town meeting on record was held March 18, 1793. At this meeting Joshua STANTON was elected moderator and treasurer; Joshua STANTON, jr., town clerk; William MUNSON, constable; John LAW and Thomas HILL, selectmen. Thomas BUTTERFIELD was the first representative, elected in 1785; and the first justice of the peace, appointed in 1787. The population of Colchester as its organization was 137.
Ichabod Brownell Probate 68
family files
Colchester VT Probate Records
posted Jun 16, 2016 by Ramona (Larson) Pekarek
“… Betsy Hill wife of David Hill and Cynthia Hill wife of Thomas Hill…”