Henry D'Esterre Darby - Needs merge and follow-up

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Private User
Today at 7:37 AM

Admiral Sir Henry D'Esterre Darby

Admiral Sir Henry D'Esterre Darby


They appear to be duplicates, however Burke has his mother as Susannah Lovett, and has him as dying unmarried, sans progeny.

(It looks like, about 11 years ago "Geni" gave his duplicate father the wrong wife along with a wife and children he never had.)



His duplicate fathers with different wives:

Jonathan Darby IV

Jonathan Darby



Lineage — Jonathan Darby, Esq. of Leap, King's Co., High Sheriff 1674, whose will is dated 6 March, 1685, left issue by his wife, Deborah, four sons and one dau., 1 Jonathan, of Leap; 2 George; 3 John; 4 William; 1 Mary.

The eldest son, Jonathan Darbv, Esq. of Leap, J.P., (temp. Queen Anne and George I) whose will is dated 13 Dec. 1742, and was proved 22 Feb. 1742-43, left issue at his decease, two sons and three daus.

The eldest son, Jonathan Darby, Esq. of Leap, m. Susanna, dau. of **Robert Lovett, Esq.** of Dromoyle, King's Co., and had issue,
I. Jonathan, of Leap, High Sheriff King's Co. 1787, to. **his cousin, Eleanor, dau. of Jonathan Lovett, of Kingsmill, co. Tipperary,** and had issue an only child, Elizabeth.
II. Henry D'Esterre (Sir), K.C.B., of Leap Castle, Admiral E.N., **d. unm.**
III. John, of whom presently.
IV. William, to. Elizabeth, dau. of William Hawkshaw, Esq., and was father of Rev. Jonathan Lovett Darby.
V. Christopher, General in the army, **d. k. p.**
VI. Verney, of Dublin, High Sheriff King's Co. 1799, m. 1718, Anna Maria, dau. of George Maquay, and had issue one son and two daus.,
1 William, m. and had issue. 1 Maria. 2 Jane, wife of Surgeon Burke, of the Rifle Brigade.
VII. Edward, whose dau., Sarah, m. Rev. John Head.
I. Sarah, wife of her cousin. Sir Jonathan Lovett, Bart, of Liscombe, Bucks.


The 3rd son, John Darby, Esq. of Markley, Sussex, and Leap Castle, King's Co., m. Anne, dau. of Samuel Vaughan, Esq. and had issue,

Jonathan, **d. unm.**

William Henry, now of Leap Castle.

Christopher (Rev.) m. Miss Boyle, and had issue.

George, of Markley, Sussex, Barrister-at-Law, M.A., MP for East Sussex 1837 to 1846; m. Maria, youngest dau. of Samuel Homfray, Esq., M.P., and d. 1877, having had four sons and eight daus. His son. Rev. John Clere-Scott Darby, M.A., is Rector of Machen, co. Monmouth.

Horatio D'Esterre.

John Nelson. [this undoubtedly is Rev. John Nelson Darby ]



[Note that Burke lists him without any information of his marital status, either way. Nor does Findagrave.]

Susan, m. Right Hon. Edward Pennefather, Chief Justice of Queen's Bench, Ireland, and d. 6 April, 1861, aged 75.


[John Darby, Esq. of Markley, Sussex, and Leap Castle, King's Co., d. 1834.]

Private User
Today at 7:46 AM

(Forgot to point out that there is no mention of the marital status for Rev. John Nelson Darby in Wikipedia, either.)

Private User
Today at 7:48 AM
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